Monday, April 23, 2018

Fundraising for Burn Camp 2018

This Saturday will be the 2 year anniversary of Audrey and Beverly's burn accident.  As hard as this journey has been, I am so thankful and grateful for so much, especially our family and friends!  A is officially on her last pair of medical compression garments, they have been a second skin for her for so long.

Camp David 2017

A, B and C were able to attend the Texas Burn Survivor Summer Camp last year (it's an amazing camp for burn survivors and their siblings - a safe place for kids to just be kids). Due to funding issues this year they are asking campers to raise funds.  A, B, C and D are hoping to go this summer.  I am putting the link here to share with everyone.  Please do not feel any pressure from me.  This is just an opportunity.  If you do donate, I can promise you that this is an amazing organization and my family has benefited greatly from them and I am so thankful they exist.

To find out more or donate - check out our fundraising page here.

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