Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Update to My Medical Mystery

I found this explanation of PMS on slideshare.  You can read the full slide show here.

When I last left you I was scheduled to have a venogram 3 weeks ago on my right arm.  The results came back negative for TOS.  This was very confusing for me especially when my physical therapist told me she thought I had positional TOS a few days later.  I have been hard at work with physical therapy and I finally had my follow up yesterday with the cardiothoracic vascular surgeon (although, I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks).  He told me that my MRI and venogram results are consistent with Pectoralis Minor Syndrome (which is oftentimes associated with TOS).  I have compression in my right subclavian which is why my right arm has been so swollen.  I am to continue on with physical therapy, try to lose weight (which is suppose to help a lot), and wear a medical compression sleeve for the swelling in my right arm.  I will follow up in 3 months to discuss surgery if needed but hopefully I won't need it and I will be ~20 lbs lighter.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.  Another thing that popped up during this process is that I had to get a mammogram.  I'm 40 and I haven't had one so it's a good thing to do anyway.  The doctor's office called and my initial scan had some issues to I have to return at the end of the week for additional testing.  Hopefully that will all check out okay.  Thanks so much for all your prayers.  I so appreciate them, every one of them!

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