Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dog Days Movie Release


Do you have a dog?  We adopted our dog, Stevie, 4 years ago.  He is a 50#, Shepherd mix and he loves food!  He is great with kids and people but he is terrible around "people food."  Despite the challenge of keeping our groceries away from him, I love his zeal for life and the happiness he brings our family.  He is an amazing dog and loves being a part of anything and everything we are doing.  I love that Stevie helps teach my kids how to treat animals with kindness and compassion.

A, B, D, E, and F with Stevie

I wanted to share with you a bit about the upcoming movie Dog Days, which releases in theaters in just a few days, August 8th.  Dog Days is a hilarious and heartfelt ensemble comedy that follows the lives of multiple dog owners and their beloved fluffy pals.  When these human and canine's paths start to intertwine, their lives begin changing in ways they never expected.  This is a sweet film about the joy our furry friends bring into our lives and what they can teach us about treating people with kindness and compassion.  I look forward to seeing it!

Check out the trailer for Dog Days below.

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to Grace Hill Media for selecting me to participate in this campaign.  By sharing this information with you I will receive a gift card to spoil our Stevie dog!  All opinions are my own.

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