Monday, May 13, 2019

CYBA Spring Band Concert 2019

B, C, and A after Band Concert

A, B and C had their Spring band concert last night.  It was fun to hear them play and watch them perform.  C finished his first year as a percussionist and was awarded the Outstanding Musician award for his Beginner Homeschool Band class.  A (on flute) and B (on trumpet) both performed in the Advanced Band and Wind Ensemble (this was B's first time in the Wind Ensemble and she did great).  A was awarded the Outstanding Musician award for her Advanced Homeschool Band class.  I'm so proud of these three!

Receiving awards...

One of the highlights of the concert was when a T-Rex showed up to direct Jurassic Park.  It was very funny and G was super excited to see "the dinosaur."

 T-Rex leaving the stage after directing

 The kids with their band director (aka T-Rex)!

 Fun with friends

I look forward to hearing them play at the next concert!


  1. What a fun event! So glad they are enjoying band.

  2. Thanks! Me too. I love that they are learning to play instruments.
