Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Fun PEZ Items

C with his most up to date PEZ Shelf

You might remember my post when David and C made a PEZ shelf.  He has steadily been collecting more and more PEZ.  We are currently preparing for C's upcoming PEZ birthday party (which I'm super excited about) and I have found a lot of PEZ items on Amazon.  There is a plethora.  I cannot believe how many PEZ dispensers there are and I probably haven't even uncovered half of them.  Check out some of the goodies I found.

Angry Birds brings back memories of when my older kids were younger.

I am a huge fan of the President sets.  C has 1 of these sets.

The crayola PEZ dispensers are a nice addition.

Multiple packs like this would be great for party favors or specific themed parties.

And of course, a PEZ party needs PEZ candy.

What are your thoughts?  Do you have a favorite PEZ dispenser or have you seen some unique ones lately?  I'd love for you to share.

Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links and we will earn a small commission if you click on our links and make a purchase at no extra cost to you.  All opinions are still 100% my own.


  1. I saw the crayon pez dispensers - they look cool. There are so many! (but no lighthouses)
