Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Texas Burn Survivor Society Camp David Fundraising

The kids at Camp David last year, 2018.

I cannot say enough good things about the Texas Burn Survivor Society and how much they have meant to our family!  This summer will mark A, B and C's 3rd year to attend their annual burn camp and D's 2nd year.  For those that don't know, Camp David is a week of adventure designed specifically for pediatric burn survivors age 7 to 16.  It's also a unique camp because it includes siblings of burn survivors whose lives are also impacted by burn injury.  I'm sharing a fundraiser link to help raise money for this incredible group.  The kids have a goal of raising $500 but anything helps.  Please do not feel pressure from me to give.  This is just an opportunity...and I can say firsthand that it's a good one.  You can visit our page here.  Thanks!

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