Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Complete Starter Kit from The Kingdom Code Review & Giveaway

My kids are currently using The Complete Starter Kit from The Kingdom Code to learn about money and money management from a Christian perspective using Biblical money principles.

This kit includes the Textbook, Student Packet and Teacher's Guide - everything you need to teach this curriculum.  While the Textbook can be shared if you are using this program with multiple students, they will each need their own Student Packet as it is full of consumables.  Specifically the Student Packet contains worksheets for each lesson, a treasure map with stickers for rewarding and tracking students completion of the program, flashcards with all key terms from the lessons, posters (that serve as binder inserts), budget stickers that will be used on pencil pockets, and a receipt book!  The Kingdom Code is specifically designed for grades 4-8 (upper elementary and middle school children) and works well for Homeschool Families, CoOps, Private Schools and Church Groups.

There is some basic set up required at the beginning as well as a few other necessary items.  The Teacher's Guide walks you through the set up really well.  The Teacher's Guide also comes already hole bunched (love that!).  I needed three 3-ring binders, 2 with clear inserts.  I put my Teacher's Guide in the 3-ring binder without insets (seen above along with the Textbook).  I used the other two 3-ring binders to assemble the KCK (Kingdom Code Kid) Binder and the KCK Budget Binder.  Each student will need their own KCK and Budget Binders.  The KCK Binder also uses one set of five divider tabs while the Budget Binder uses six, zippered pencil pockets with clear plastic fronts (this is important because you will be adhering budget stickers to them).  I purchased an index card box to contain our flashcards and KCK Receipt Book.  You can use a resealable bag or other container if you wish.  Each student will need a pocket folder with brads and a red pencil as well.

Index card box and zippered pencil pockets with clear plastic fronts

Flashcards for each lesson - the front has each key term, pronunciation and week that it is introduced.

 The back of each flashcard has the corresponding definition and well as the week that it is introduced as well.

 KCK Receipt Book {Not needed until lesson 8}

A look inside the receipt book.

 How we are storing our flashcards and receipt book.

Our KCK Binders

A look at the tabs inside the KCK Binder: Current Work, Activities, Forms/Notices, Worksheets, and Treasure Builder 1

A look at some sample service business ideas.

 A blank worksheet.

 A look at Activity 1.

The back of this binder stores the treasure map and reward stickers.

 Now, a peek inside our Budget Binder. {This binder is not needed until lesson 7}

 Place the budget stickers onto the clear plastic fronts of the pencil pockets.

Finished pockets.

I'm especially excited about this curriculum because money management is a topic that I feel I was severely lacking in all the way through college.  While I didn't do terrible, David and I really learned money management skills after we were married.  I love the idea of teaching these principles and life skills early in life as they are hugely beneficial.  And I love that this curriculum is Bible based and views money through God's Word.

In this unique, hands-on, 34-week program, students quickly jump into creating and operating a business as they become entrepreneurs.  My kids are working through so many fun business ideas - babysitting, photography, 3-D printing, pet sitting, raking leaves, and the list goes on.  I really like that this curriculum really does a great job walking them thoroughly through the process of having and operating a business.  There are 27 lessons, most of which take one week; however, some run more than one week.  Students are taught financial responsibility, budgeting skills, and a positive work ethic while emphasizing integrity, a good attitude and confidence!  I think these ideas are so important and my teens are benefiting from them.  My kids are already familiar with the concept of dividing their allowance or gift money into three categories - spend, save, and give.  The Budget Binder breaks it down into five categories: J for Jesus (10%), O for Others (5%), E for Education (10%), Y for You (60%) and S for Savings (15%).  Originally, this program was written to be taught in two 45-minute class days per week but the course can easily be adapted to fit other schedules as it is flexible.  I also feel that the age range can be expanded and adapted a bit as needed.  I have been using this with A-E (ages 15, 13, 12, 9, 7) and it is fun to see their different ideas.  If you are a Christian, the foundational principles presented in this program are worth teaching your kids!

D reading through Lesson 1

C reading aloud

A few of our rocks from Activity 1.

E's worksheet from Lesson 1

Some of D's business ideas

Working through worksheet 3

Researching through some business ideas.

My kids appreciate the hands-on activities throughout this curriculum and I love the life-lessons they are learning.  This program is fun and engaging.  The textbook is full of color, illustrations and diagrams and the material is presented really well as it is written to the student.  The worksheets are great at checking the students understanding and comprehension of the material.

Inside the textbook.

I appreciate that many subjects are interwoven into this comprehensive teaching of money management such as history, math, Bible, economics, writing, etc.  I love curriculum that reaches many levels and many subjects!  The Teacher's Guide has suggestions for teaching and contains all the answers for the lesson worksheets making my life a lot easier.

Want to know more?  Check out the introductory video below of The Kingdom Code.

And be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of The Kingdom Code.  And don't forget to enter the giveaway below!!!

The Kingdom Code Complete Starter Kit {The Kingdom Code Reviews}

You can engage with The Kingdom Code on social media @:


Prize Pack

Ready for a giveaway?  I thought so!  The Kingdom Code generously provided me with the JR KCK Budget Kit (teaches students how to budget their money without running a business) and The Kingdom Code Coloring Book to giveaway to one of my readers.  Just enter below and good luck!

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  1. We are happy to hear that your family has enjoyed going through The Kingdom Code! It looks like your children had a lot of fun painting the rocks in Activity 1. We look forward to hearing more about the businesses that your children decide to start.

  2. Thank you so much! I'm excited about all the "thought" they are putting into their ideas with your program.

  3. This sounds like a wonderful curriculum. I think money management is very important to teach our children. I definitely did not learn about this when I was in school, and it took my awhile to figure it all out.

  4. Oooo I love this! I do think this is a neglected topic in many schools and even homeschool. What a great resource!

  5. This looks like a really great program! Thank you for sharing such a thorough review!

  6. Super impressed by how organized this all looks!

  7. I love the idea of using a index card box for the vocabulary cards! I gave my teen one for vocab for another course and didn't even think about that idea for The Kingdom Code!
    Love the rocks. :)

  8. I love this. I don't know why money management isn't taught to high school students.
