Friday, August 23, 2019

My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping Annual Membership Plan Review

With the Annual Membership Plan, I can use My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping to easily track and organize our upcoming school year.  This is an online subscription with a ton of features.  Let's jump in!

The Homeroom allows you to visually track all of your students progress - you can see everything going on with your students easily.  After selecting your student, you can see their classes, attendance, awards, and so much more with easy-to-understand charts.  It can be a great tool to use to show your student everything they have accomplished.

Here you can see some of A's classes that she will be taking in 10th grade.

Our current school year will not start until the first week of September.  We are still on summer break.  However, A has been working on a 5 week intense writing course.  You can see that A was 44% done with this course when I took the screenshot above.

Example of what your homeroom will look like after your school year has begun.

The Planbook is designed to be your daily lesson planner and gradebook.  It shows what assignments are due, overdue, upcoming, and unassigned using a color coded system.  There is flexibility as lessons can be marked as complete, they can be modified, and rescheduled if necessary.  I like that you can view multiple students at one time.  And I appreciate that I will be able to modify lessons if the kids get behind or ahead in a subject.  In the Planbook, I can quickly search, filter, sort and manage all of my lessons in one place.

In the Reports section you will find everything you need to create professional-looking transcripts, report cards, course descriptions, lesson plans, instructional hours and more!  This is super helpful for tracking high school and for those that homeschool in states with state reporting.  Texas is not one of them but I still think it's a great feature.

The Teacher's Aid is designed to be your personal homeschool assistant; I like that!   It contains helpful reminders and suggestions on what to do next.  It emails me and although I haven't done it yet it also can email the kids.  It really takes the guesswork out of recordkeeping with alerts that help me stay on track.

The Calendar section displays appointments, classes, extra curricular activity and more.  Customized student coloring allows you to review your students schedules side-by-side.  I love that you can see everything going on for the same time frame for all your students.

Again, here is an example of what you would see after starting your year.

If you find yourself needing help there are several places to turn including the FAQs section, video tutorials, e-mail support as well as the toll-free support line.

My kids read a lot, especially A and B.  I feel like one of their personal goals was to read through the library this summer - not a bad problem.  I really like the reading logs/lists on My School Year.  I can plan and record past, current and future books the kids have read or will be reading.

One of my favorite features is that I can reuse lesson plans and assign work to multiple students.  This is helpful when I have several of the kids working through the same subject.  The Create-A-Plan lesson generator will help me create my lessons in bulk.  I can track everything easily!

Grading Options

There are various grading scales.  You can set the ranges that constitute the class grade (A+, B, C-, etc.) or you can use their standardized and widely accepted scales.  You can choose to have a number grade, letter grade or even have a pass/fail option.  You can also customize the grade percentages or weights for tests, assignments, projects, etc. as well which is really nice.  Once a lesson is completed, the system automatically calculates the student's class average.

I love that this site is flexible and fully customizable to our homeschool tracking needs.  I can use it as little or as much as I desire.  I have been using this solely so far as I am preparing for our upcoming year but I can grant the kids access as I see fit.  I can give them no access, view only or full access.  The kids can track chores, sports events, music lesson, and all of their extra curricular activities.  I'm planning on using this feature!  I can also set it up where the kids receive daily and weekly lessons via email as well as myself.

I also want to note that this site is mobile friendly and works on any Internet connected device so you can generate a lesson plan on your Ipad or create a transcript from your phone.

I think the hardest thing for me is getting everything ready and set-up into My School Year to start using it this September.  It's not completely intuitive to me.  I currently have a lot of Teacher Aid notices of everything I haven't done but I think that is a plus as the system is showing me what I need to do!  And I am putting all seven kiddos into the system, including CoOp classes and extra curriculars which just takes longer.  I'm really excited to dive into all that's available and I'm hopeful that it will aid my school year in many ways.

Check out the video tour of My School Year below which gives you a good visual for the available features of this program.

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Annual Membership Homeschool Record Keeping  {My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping Reviews}

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