Friday, September 6, 2019

Reading Eggs 200 Essential Reading Skills for Fifth Grade Review

D mentioned to me this year that reading is not her favorite subject.  I'm super sad about this and I am really hoping to change her mind by the end of this school year.  I was very excited to have the opportunity to help her solidify her reading skills with 200 Essential Reading Skills for Fifth Grade, one of the many fun workbooks from Reading Eggs.  While I have known about the Reading Eggs online program for awhile, I was not aware that these books existed.  What a treasure I have found!

This workbook is a rigorous 36-week curriculum for fifth graders.  The lessons are easy-to-follow and include comprehension, spelling, and grammar!  More specifically, it contains 200 essential reading skills, 72 comprehension lessons, fiction and nonfiction texts, 72 spelling lessons, 36 grammar lessons, and 4 reviews (to test knowledge).   I love that this book of 217 pages is bright and colorful and helps build D's confidence as she works through the program.  Even the complete answer key at the back of the book has some color.

This book is designed to help improve reading skills with just 15 minutes a day, five days a week.  Day 1 focuses on comprehension with multiple choice questions.  Day 2 is also a comprehension lesson with deeper strategy.  Day 3 moves onto spelling by introducing a rule or pattern with activities.  Day 4 focuses on a deeper strategy with spelling.  While Day 5 teaches a grammar lesson.  Every 9 weeks students are challenged with a comprehensive review to reinforce learning and identify strengths and weaknesses.

Above you can see D's completed pages for Day 1 and 2 of Week 1

An example of a spelling lesson from Week 3

I really like that these are bite-sized lessons packed with a lot of learning.  This is perfect for a reluctant reader/learner to help get them engaged.  You don't lose them because they are not bogged down by the information.

There is also an online component to this program with the online subscription (Reading Eggspress).  It corresponds well with the available workbooks including this one, has built-in rewards and allows students access to over 2,000 e-books.  However, both the online subscription and workbooks can also be used independently from each other.  Research has shown that children show great gains in learning when they use a combination of both print and digital resources so you may want to take advantage of this on-line and workbook combination.

You can check out more about Reading Eggs workbooks and purchase them here.  I am super excited to share with you that you can obtain 4 free weeks of Reading Eggs by clicking the graphic below!  Reading Eggs has hundreds of online reading lessons, phonics games and books for children ages 2-13 so don't miss this opportunity.

Claim Your Free Trial

You can also click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of Reading Eggs including Essential Math Skills Books for K-2 and Essential Reading Skills Books for K-5 to see what others in this awesome community have to say!

240 Essential Reading Skills & 200 Essential Math Skills  {Reading Eggs Reviews}

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