Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Book #5 and #6 Review

Remember my previous post on The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series, books 3 and 4?  Well I'm back with The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls:  The Shepherd's Stone (Book 5) and The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls:  The Lion's Roar (Book 6) from WorthyKids Books.

Our New Books

As with the last two books in this series, E and D read both of these books independently with no problem at all and they really enjoyed them.  For those that are new, The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls is a time-traveling adventure series that follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank.  They discover scrolls that transport them to key moments in the Bible.  Peter and Mary must solve "the secret of the scroll" in each book or else they will be stuck in the past forever.  I really like the discussions you can have about the books and how you can compare the book adventures with the stories as they occur in the Bible.  I love books that encourage discussions about our faith.  And not only are these books great for independent reading but they also make great family read-alouds!

Book 5

E enthralled in the story.

Here is the basic synopsis for Book 5.  Peter, Mary and Hank, the time-traveling trio, find themselves in Bethlehem, where they encounter a young David.  Peter and Mary journey with David as he brings food to the Israelite army.  They witness first-hand the giant Goliath.  When time is running out, Peter and Mary discover a dangerous plot, help their friend David prepare for battle with Goliath, and more!

Here is E's book report for Book #5.  She gives the basics.

Story Summary:  Peter and Mary go into the story of David and Goliath.  One day when they were helping David deliver food they saw Goliath.  David ended up fighting Goliath and won the war!  Mary and Peter figured out the hidden message on the scroll and went home.

Main Events:  David fought off a bear and defeated Goliath.

Story Conclusion:  Peter and Mary figured out the message on the scroll and went home.  God is bigger than any problem!

1 Fact and 1 Opinion:  The message on the scroll was Fear not, God is bigger than any problem.  I liked this book!

Book 6

D starting book 6.

Here is the basic synopsis for Book 6.  This time the time-travelers find themselves in Babylon, where they meet Shadrach and Daniel.   They find out that there are new laws that make it illegal to worship or pray to anyone but the king.  With time running out, Peter and Mary find themselves in a dangerous situation, a sneaky high priest who wants them thrown into the lions' den with Daniel!

D's Book Report

Here is D's book report for Book #6.  She tends to be short and sweet when it comes to book reports.

Story Summary:  The High Priest wants Peter and Mary to bow to his God, Marduk.  But Peter and Mary refused to bow so they are running from him!  They meet Hannah!  When Daniel refuses to bow down, he got thrown in a lions' den!  God kept him safe.

Main Events:  Peter and Mary travel to Babylon.  Peter, May and Hannah are running away from the High Priest.  Daniel is thrown into the lions' den

Story Conclusion:  Daniel is safe from the lions.  God protected him.  And Peter and Mary solved the scroll: God is in control!

1 Fact and 1 Opinion:  I like this book because it is fun to read.  This book has 120 pages.

This series is recommended for ages 6-9 with a reading level of 1st - 3rd grade.  The books in this series are short and make great chapter books for younger readers.  The girls really appreciate the black and white illustrations every few pages.  And as I mentioned previously, they make for great family read-alouds as well.  I love how these stories help bring Bible stories to life and the girls like the adventures.  I would recommend this series!

Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Books 5 and 6.  And keep reading because there is also a fun giveaway below!

Secret of the Hidden Scrolls: The Shepherd's Stone (Book 5) & The Lion's Roar (Book 6) {WorthyKids Books Reviews}

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Book #7 in the series is set to release soon.  Check out the super fun giveaway below where 3 winners will win signed copies of all 7 books of The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series!

Good Luck!

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