Thursday, May 21, 2020

Latina Christiana Complete Set from Memoria Press Review

{Disclaimer:  I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.  This post contains affiliate links.}

I am a huge Memoria Press fan so I was excited to receive their Latina Christiana Complete Set to review.  You may remember our review of First Form Latin from Memoria Press last year.  This set is designed as a beginner course for students of all ages with a more specific target for grades 3-6th.  It is recommended to move from Latina Christiana into First Form Latin.  I thought this program would be great for my younger kiddos!

Our Latina Christiana Complete Set

Our set came with a Teacher Manual, Student Book, Instructional DVDs, a Pronunciation CD and Flashcards.  Fear not if you know nothing about Latin!  This course was specifically made for you, the teacher with no Latin background (that's me!).

 Our Instructional DVDs

 A closer look

I love having the Instructional DVDs component of this course.  Our program includes 3 discs with a total of ~ 5.5 hours of instruction.  The lessons have a self-instructive format and the average lesson time is ~ 15 minutes.


Jessica Watson is the Latin Instructor (the same instructor used in our First Form Latin) and she does a great job laying out the material and teaching comprehensively for each new grammar lesson.  I think the vocabulary practice and explanations of the derivatives is especially great.  The DVDs include helpful on-screen notes, illustrations, diagrams, and recitations.

D watching the Introduction.

Pronunciation CD

The Pronunciation CD is a valuable resource to have as it contains all verbal pronunciations for every lesson.  Fear not if you are not sure how to pronounce a word!  This trusty CD comes in handy.

Our Teacher Manual

The Teacher Manual is chock-full of everything you need!  It even includes the Student Text as in inset with overlaid answers.  With detailed weekly lesson plans, comprehensive teaching instructions, grammar overview, a recitation schedule, tests/quizzes and answer keys along with background information of Latin sayings and Roman history.  Memoria Press has done all the legwork for you!

 Above you can see what I mean about having the student workbook as an inset.

 Another peek inside

Our Student Workbook

All of the material in this program is reusable and can be used with multiple students with the exception of the student workbook.  You will need a separate student workbook for each student in this program.  Each lesson in the student workbook is broken into Latin sayings, vocabulary, and grammar forms.  There are a total of 25 lessons (plus 5 review lessons).  Every lesson has corresponding exercises to be completed.  The exercises give consistent practice and review of the lesson information.  There is a lovely Appendices at the back of the student workbook chock-full of great resources.

 A peek at Lesson 1

 D completing Lesson 1

 A close-up view of her completed page.

 A peek at the first review lesson (reviews lessons 1-5)

 Our flashcards

 Above are the flashcards for lesson 1 vocabulary.

These flashcards work for both the Latina Christiana and Prima Latina programs.  The flashcards come pre-cut (less prep work!) and are 3.5 x 2.5 inches.  The cards contain the vocabulary with derivatives, Latin sayings and the conjugations and declensions.  I really appreciate that they include the lesson number that they correspond with on the cards as it makes it easy to organize and use them!  Above you will see that our amo flashcard contains 1 (PL 4) in the upper left hand corner, the 1 corresponds to lesson 1 in Latina Christiana while the PL 4 corresponds to lesson 4 in Prima Latina.

I have started using this program with D, who is finishing the 5th grade and has no previous Latin instruction.  I think it's a great fit for her.  We started at a very slow pace because we are planning on taking a break over the summer and jumping back into it in the Fall.  I really like that this program introduces Latin at a gentle pace and gives the students all the tools they need.  And speaking of tools:  we have the CD if we can't remember the pronunciation of a word, we have the instructional DVDs so I don't have to be intimidated with teaching the lessons, and I have the all important teacher key if I'm unsure of the correct answer.  Memoria Press's Latin sets really are complete!  If you are looking for a beginner Latin program for your student, I would definitely check out Latina Christiana.

I also want to mention that there is an optional history component to this program from Memoria Press, Famous Men of Rome Set.  A great motivating factor for students studying the Latin language is learning the history and culture of Rome and Memoria Press has made this easy with this extra option.

Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read even more reviews of Memoria Press including some of their other Latin Complete sets.

Prima to Fourth Form Latin Complete Sets {Memoria Press Reviews}

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