Friday, June 12, 2020

Sarah's 1st Birthday {4th Anniversary}

Sarah is 1 (again)

Yesterday was Sarah's birthday!  Sarah is E's baby doll.  It was actually the 4th anniversary of her 1st birthday as she can never be older than 1 (according to E).  We celebrated today with a cake that E made (will a little help from B), ice cream and a few homemade presents.  I love my kids (and their dolls)!

 Above is Sarah with her cake!

 Sarah with her presents.  B made her a homemade Smash Book and doll sized pencils.

A made her this new hair bow!

Have you ever had a party for a stuffed animal or baby doll?  I'd love to know.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. I don't know if I ever had birthday parties for my dolls or toys but I had plenty of tea parties with them included.
