Sunday, September 20, 2020

Moroccan Geodes


Over the summer, we participated in a Red Letter Challenge with our church.  We read the Bible together, read aloud other stories and the kids had a lot of fun with the weekly activities and challenges.  One of the younger kids prizes one week was Moroccan geodes.  I wanted to share us cracking our geodes open.  The kids loved this and were really excited to see all the white quartz they found inside.

The kids with their unopened geodes!

To crack open our geodes, we placed them in a sock and then gently used a hammer to smash them.
 D with her open geode!

Inside one of our geodes.

Another view

If you have never done this, it is definitely a fun activity.  Geodes are fairly plain on the outside but contain beautiful crystals within - they are such great examples of not judging a book by its cover!


  1. This looks very cool! I had never seen a geode before! Thanks for sharing!

  2. My kids have gotten into rockhounding and are fascinated with geodes. What a fun activity!!

  3. So much fun! We did geodes years ago during a VBS but I really need to do some with my younger children.
