Friday, July 16, 2021

Burn Camp in a Box Round 2 (Camp David 2021)

The kids were so excited to receive our camp boxes a few days ago for Camp in a Box this year.  I cannot tell you how excited F and G were to get their own boxes as well (it was so sweet of Texas Burn Survivor Society for thinking of them too).  The theme for this years camp is the movie Onward.

Opening their boxes!

The kids received super fun beach towels.

Awesome hats, you can see F's puppy hat above.

D and E both got Manticores.

And the personalized water bottles for each kid are amazing!

G with his water bottle.

D and E with their hats and water bottles.

One of the first activities was to watch the movie Onward so we did this last night!

G getting out his Day 1 bag.

I made movie trays for the kids with all their goodies.

A making her Tuck-ins (the inside out s'more).

D making hers.

Watching the movie Onward!

That's it for now.  Stay tuned for more posts in the next few days 😉.

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