Thursday, March 16, 2023

CompuScholar Java Programming Review

I have a fun high school product to share with you today from Timberdoodle, Java Programming.  We were blessed to receive a one-year subscription for both B and C to use for 1 high school credit.  This introductory programming course using the Java language requires no previous programming experience.  You may remember our review of CompuScholar's Python Programming back in January 2020.  This course can be used as an introductory coding course or it can be used to prepare for the AP Computer Science A exam.  There are different syllabus options available for both options.  As previously mentioned, this course is intended to last approximately 2 semesters (1 high school credit upon completion); however, students can move at their own pace whether that be faster or slower.

The format for this Java Programming course is simple.  This course contains 24 required chapters and lessons with an optional additional 9 chapters and 4 supplemental chapters as well.

What topics are covered?


  • Chapter 1:  Computing Concepts
  • Chapter 2:  Getting Started with Java
  • Chapter 3:  Data Types and Variables
  • Chapter 4:  Working with Numbers
  • Chapter 5:  Introducing Objects
  • Chapter 6:  Working with Strings
  • Chapter 7:  Numbering Systems and Java Math
  • Chapter 8:  Logic and Decision-Making
  • Chapter 9:  More Complex Logic
  • Chapter 10:  Handling Exceptions
  • Chapter 11:  Debugging
  • Chapter 12:  Iteration
  • Chapter 13:  Algorithms
  • Chapter 14:  Creating Java Classes
  • Chapter 15:  Working with Methods
  • Chapter 16:  Static Concepts
  • Chapter 17:  Mid-Term Project
  • Chapter 18:  1D Arrays
  • Chapter 19:  Lists and ArrayLists
  • Chapter 20:  Searching and Sorting
  • Chapter 21:  2D Arrays
  • Chapter 22:  Inheritance
  • Chapter 23:  Polymorphism
  • Chapter 24:  Recursion


  • Chapter 25:  File Access
  • Chapter 26:  Object Composition and Copying
  • Chapter 27:  Team Project
  • Chapter 28:  Running Java Locally
  • Chapter 29:  The Eclipse IDE
  • Chapter 30:  Graphical Java Programs
  • Chapter 31:  Swing Input Controls
  • Chapter 32:  Vector and Bitmap Images
  • Chapter 33:  Program Efficiency
  • Supplemental Chapter 1:  Enrichment Topics
  • Supplemental Chapter 2:  Software and Industry
  • Supplemental Chapter 3:  Computers and Modern Society
  • Supplemental Chapter 4:  Computer Networking 
Every chapter contains multiple lessons.  Each lesson contains an instructional video, lesson text, followed by an automated quiz.  The lesson text is required reading, whereas the instructional videos are optional and made to re-enforce lesson text and I think really adds to this course.
Above you can see the beginning of the instructional video for the first lesson in Chapter 1.
And here is a snippet of the lesson text.

Within the lesson text pages there are live code boxes where students can write code directly into their web browser,  After executing it they can see the results.  Within the lessons are "Work with Me" sections for additional hands-on practice.  And each chapter also end with an auto-graded test.  Most chapters also contain additional homework exercises as well as a larger hands-on coding project where students demonstrate skills learned.

I really appreciate that all lesson quizzes, chapter tests, and hands-on coding projects are all auto-graded in this course.  Everything is completed online in a web browser.  I do want to mention that there are optional chapters that do offer projects that require and external IDE and would be teacher/parent graded if completed, but there are rubrics provided for that if you choose to have your student complete them.

I like that through my teacher account I have access to teacher's guides for lessons, both quiz and test answer keys, activity guides, etc.  We are using this course as a self-study so I am pretty much hands-off but I really appreciate having everything so if one of the kids needs help or a hint on something I can easily do this.

Java Programming is currently included in Timberdoodle's 11th grade curriculum kit.  If you are looking for an introductory programming course, this one is great.  CompuScholar's courses are well organized and makes coding very approachable for those with little or no previous programming knowledge.  It has become a go-to in our homeschool.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received CompuScholar Java Programming in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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