Friday, July 19, 2024

Timberdoodle Romi Rami Review

I want to share with you today a fun game from Timberdoodle, Romi Rami.  Romi Rami is a 2-4 player game similar to classic Rummy but with a twist and is recommended for kids 8 and older or 3rd grade and up.  Games are estimated to last ~ 30 minutes.

What's included in our game?  Our game includes 92 number cards, 36 contract cards, 4 trophy tokens, 4 joker tokens, 1 First Player token and game rules.

How to set up the game?  After shuffling both decks of cards separately, you need to set up the number market with six cards and the contract market with 4 contract cards in the middle of your table or playing area - this is the main market.  You also need to toss up the trophy tokens as they are double sided, whatever side they land on will be the trophies that are up for grabs this game.  Each player is given 3 number cards as well as a joker token.

Playing with A

How do you play?  The youngest player begins by taking the first player token.  A player's turn consists of 3 steps: 

  • take up to 3 number cards from the number market with a common characteristic (same number or same suit)
  • fill one of more contracts in the contract market (this step is optional) and lastly
  • refill the markets and check hand size (mandatory step).  

You must have at least 3 cards and at most 10 cards in your hand at the end of your turn.  If you have less than 3, you will use the number deck to refill your hand to 3 cards and if you have more than 10, you will discard until you have only 10 cards.  Play proceeds in a clockwise order.

The ultimate goal of the game is to score the most points by filling contracts taking into account:

  • the number of points on the contracts
  • the trophy tokens for the current game and
  • the suit bonuses associated with the different contracts.  

The game ends when a player fill their 7th contract (when playing with 2 players), 6th contract (when playing with 3 players) and 5th contract (when playing with 4 players).  When this happens players move on to counting points.  Remember, player with most points wins!

Players count trophy points, contract points, suit bonus cards (1 point per card in your suit bonus pile), and unspent joker token (players score 1 point if they still have their joker token at the end of the game).  In the case of a tie, the player with the most suit bonus cards wins.

Romi Rami is quick and you learn a lot every time you play it!  I think it is fun adapting to the various contracts and suit bonuses.  When possible, I highly recommending using the suit cards as those points really do add up.  I also try to go for the larger point contracts unless I can make a lower point one easily or it's the last one I need.  I have yet to hang on to my joker token as I find using it to fulfill a larger contract has always been worth it for me.  I am currently undefeated so I feel like this is good advice 😉.  If you are looking for a fun card game that's fairly easy, quick to play and lots of fun, we highly recommend Romi Rami!  I love that everyone in my family can play.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received Romi Rami in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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