Tuesday, December 17, 2024

CursiveLogic Speeches and Writings in American History

I have another Timberdoodle product to share with you today!  This time it's CursiveLogic Speeches and Wiritings in American History.  This spiral bound book is geared for ages 11-18 or 5th-12th grade.  I am currently using it with F (who is 10 years old in 5th grade).  He is a little on the young side but I love that it pairs with our curriculum so nicely.  We are studying American History this year and it fits in perfectly.

If you are unfamiliar with CursiveLogic, it is made to be a faster way to learn cursive because rather than teaching the alphabet letter by letter as in most cursive programs, CursiveLogic's method focuses on four basic letter shapes - oval, loop, swing and mound.  This idea is for students to master cursive handwriting at a much faster pace.  This workbook is designed for students who are already familiar in the CursiveLogic method.  It is perfect for honing handwriting skills while enhancing U.S. History studies.  Those unfamiliar with cursive can also benefit from this workbook, but there will probably be a small adjustment period.

Table of Contents

This book is split into 2 main sections.  The first section contains 12 review lessons (tracing, practicing the strokes, letter strings, capitals letters, form, etc.) while the second part includes 18 weeks of work, designed to be used 3 days a week.  Students will begin to develop cursive proficiency through tracing exercises and guided writing or good old fashion copywork.  It is suggested to complete 2 assignments a week to finish within a school year.  Of course, you can choose your child's pace and what works best within your homeschool and for your particular child.  I love that students explore distinguished Americans from Patrick Henry to George Washington and many more!  These work sections begin with a brief biography, portrait with a narrative for students to copy.
George Washington

It has been super fun to line this up with F's reading books.  He is currently reading about George Washington so he is also doing this section in his CursiveLogic!  I really enjoy when subjects come together in this way.

CursiveLogic Speeches is part of Timberdoodle's 5th Grade Curriculum Kit.
I like how friendly this curriculum is to use.  It is spiral bound at the side so it stays together nicely and remains flat, which is a huge plus for a handwriting program.  If you are looking for a cursive program and you are planning on studying American history this is a great find.

Disclosure: Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger. Timberdoodle sent my family CursiveLogic Speeches and Writings in American History in exchange for our honest review. All opinions are my own.

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