Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not even a pound...

Well I went in for my ultrasound this afternoon of baby D and again we took the kiddos. I know, I know...most people think we are crazy but I think it is neat that the kids get to feel a part and see the baby too!

We do not know the sex so everyone will have to wait to find out! Everything looks great. It took awhile for the tech to say those words. She kept going back to baby D's heart and I couldn't figure out why. Finally she told me that she could only see one of the outflows and she needed to see two. At last at the very end she saw what she wanted to and looked relieved - two outflows - praise God!! The baby is not even a pound yet and he/she is all over the place. I think that is why it took the tech awhile to find everything b/c this one is a mover and a shaker. I started feeling the baby move at 14 weeks (which is super early) - in fact, David could feel the baby move too which I thought pretty amazing.

We are headed out of Austin in a matter of hours now off to visit family in Wisconsin. Please pray for safe travel and health for all of us!!

And because I haven't really done a pregnant pose yet during my pregnancy, here it goes!

Me today