Sunday, July 19, 2009

Six States in Six Days

Well, we are back from our adventure to Wisconsin and I am finally blogging some pictures of the trip. We had a great time with family and I am so glad we were able to go.

Here are all the Moran Grandkids together in Plano
We were able to make a quick stop on our way out of Texas for breakfast.

Arriving in Iowa

We were able to meet our friends (who live down the street from us!) in their homestate of Iowa and have lunch. Here are the kiddos outside the restaurant riding the pig!

Aunt Katelin and Uncle Allen finishing their Afghan cuisine.
We were able to eat at an Afghan restaurant in Madison with them - yummy food!

Enjoying some ice cream at a local shop that to me is a cross between an Amy's and a Maggie Moos. The feel of Madison is so much like Austin it was like being home.

One of the things the kids enjoyed immensely was staying in hotels. We don't normally do this very much so it is considered a treat.

Here is A showing off her stuff at the hotel. Notice C getting ready for launch.

And here is B...

Double Launch!! Wouldn't you love to stay next to us in a hotel :)

We were able to go to the Zoo in Madison, which by the way is free. And it is great so if you are ever in town you really should go! Mom and Dad met us there which was nice because we haven't seen them in a really long time.

Yes, we are having ice cream again!

My monkeys: A, B & C

Uncle Allen and C playing frisbee

That doesn't sum up everything but it gives you an idea of our trip. We have lots of other pictures! And here are the most recent pictures of baby D taken the day before we left for Wisconsin.

Looking at baby's face

Baby's feet

When the tech was finished with our ultrasound she asked us if there were any pictures we wanted her to take and I asked for one of the feet - I love baby feet - don't know why but they are so cute.

Okay, this was a long post. Thanks for hanging with me.


  1. Nice pics. That was a whirlwind trip for sure. Makes me tired and I was not even there! Glad ya'll had fun.

  2. Glad to know all had fun and back safe and sound--we have been wondering.

  3. Man! I wanna stay in a hotel with you guys! H ah hah a... those jumping pics are great!

  4. That's great Kathryn I love the photos...especially the hotel bed jumping ones!!! You guys are the absolute funnest family ever, for real!
