Friday, September 30, 2011

Book Review: As Silver Refined

As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur is truly inspirational.  I love the imagery of the refiner of metals right from the beginning.  The one who takes his lump of ore and creates "choice" silver.  We are the silver and God is our Refiner.

Arthur addresses that when you live for God, warfare is inevitable.  You mind is the battlefield and in order to combat the strategies of the enemy you must understand the principles of warfare and be able to fight.  The major strategies that are used by the enemy against us are distraction, deception and what Arthur refers to as the 5 other Deadly D's: disappointment, discouragement, dejection, despair and demoralization.  One can go on a downward spiral to the lowest point beginning with disappointment.  However, all is not lost!  Handling disappointment both according to scripture and quickly in the battleground of your mind before you slip into the Deadly D's is imperative.  Your first response should be of obedience.  You must believe God over your feelings, thoughts and circumstances.  Every disappointment becomes a trial of your faith.  Arthur shows us how to see our disappointments as His appointments.

I love that Arthur includes many stories and testimonies that are practical examples of how to walk out hard situations.  Some examples come straight from the Bible and some come from ordinary people today.  This book is a great tool for learning victory over discouragement and I would highly recommend it.  It challenges the way you view life and respond to every day situations. 

Included in the back of the book is a 13-week companion Bible study.  I personally did not go through this study but it looks really good.  It looks like a study that would work both individually or in a group setting.

Want a sneak peek of this book?  Click here to read an excerpt of As Silver Refined.

Disclosure: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.


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  4. Thanks for following my blog! I'm returning the follow via GFC. Have a great weekend!

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