Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where oh where is Baby E & other Family news

No baby yet, although I am waiting anxiously to meet my littlest one!  I really hope it is in the next day or two but we shall see.  I have been trying to "walk the baby out" so maybe that is helping.  I met a lady in Michaels last week and when she found out I was about to have my fifth child she told me that I seemed extremely sane - ha!  Glad to know that :)

Have you heard of sandwich bites puzzle cutters?  I bought this the other day and love it - helps add a bit of fun to lunchtime.

Puzzle sandwiches, ready to be eaten and solved :)

I served then with fruit and the kids loved them!

Super C eating his lunch!

 B woke up this morning with her first loose tooth!  She is so excited and has been spending a better part of the morning determined to get it out.  And a few days ago I was able to go to the bread outlet and buy all our bread for the month - I save quite a bit on our monthly grocery bill when I am able to do this!  That's why there is so much bread behind B in this picture. 


  1. Your kids are adorable!!

    New follower!

  2. Thank you for stopping lefthandedideas.com, following you back.

  3. Mommy is going to have to keep an eye out for those special cookie cutters! How do you keep bread fresh for a whole month? Do you freeze it?

  4. Yep, freezer! Bread freezes really well so I have been doing it for years (when I make it to the outlet).
