Saturday, April 28, 2012

As One Devil to Another Review, Giveaway & Blog Tour

*** Giveaway Now Closed ***
Congratulations to Laurie!

I have another book to tell you about, As One Devil to Another by Richard Platt.

My thoughts: As One Devil to Another is an insightful book written in the same style as C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters.  I read The Screwtape Letters for the first time only several months ago and was amazed; I also very much enjoyed this book.  Platt even includes a few references to Lewis' work, but he certainly does not depend on the reader being already familiar with the topic or characters.  Not to spoil anything but I really chuckled at the end with the reference to four troublesome human children and their pet lion!

Through reading the correspondence between two devils (Slashreap's letters to Scardagger), Platt gives a super eye-opening perspective on eternity, society, and even daily life.  It is easy to see "the client" and those around her in some of the predicaments they find themselves in.  The picture portrayed of devils assigned to every person to win their soul to Hell is not a hard one to grasp.  As a Christian this book really makes me think about how I am living my life.  Are their times and situations when I am not listening to the right voice?  I hope not and desire not.  The core spiritual environment depicted in Platt's novel basically agrees with the Bible's teaching, although the specific interactions of the demons and their hierarchy is fiction.

This book was not a super quick read for me - I think because it has such depth.  While I do think some could read it quickly, I found myself stopping to ponder more than usual.  I am sure on additional readings I will pick up things I missed the first go around.  In short, I would recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of The Screwtape Letters.

Curious for more?  Read the following summary from the publisher ... or even better, read the book!  And don't forget to enter the giveaway below.

About the book:
As One Devil to Another is an astonishing debut work that C.S. Lewis's biographer and foremost Lewis authority Walter Hooper calls "a stunning achievement, the finest example of the genre of diabolical correspondence to appear since this genre was popularized by C.S. Lewis."  Enter into this chilling and diabolical tale, one that reveals the very tricks and strategies of Hell.  Through a series of letters between devils created by Platt, senior devil Slashreap trains his young protege, Scardagger, to win individual's souls away from Heaven and into their clutches.  As the devils plot their way to triumph, they reveal the spiritual dangers and risks we face in today's society.  Their frighteningly accurate perspective on issues such as contemporary technology and sexual mores is interwoven with timeless matters such as the power of prayer, the purpose of suffering, and the promises held out by Heaven ... and Hell.  Destined to become a modern classic, As One Devil to Another is a brilliantly written, deeply unsettling perspective on twenty-first-century society...a glimpse of ourselves through the eyes of those who have embraced their underworldly existence.

Now, onto the giveaway!  You can win your very own copy of As One Devil to Another!  I will mail the winner a certificate that can be redeemed for a free book.

Mandatory Entry:  Follow me on google friend and let me know, that's it!  Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 

Extra Entries
, leave a separate comment for each extra entry.  As you can see, there are lots of extra entry opportunities so don't be shy!

1.  Follow my google+ page (2 extra entries)
2.  Follow my facebook page (2 extra entries)
3.  Follow me on Pinterest (2 extra entries)
4.  Follow me on twitter here (2 extra entries)
5.  Let me know who this book would be for (2 extra entries)

Giveaway will end on May 15th at Midnight.  Winner will be selected using a random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond.  If there is no response, I will randomly select another winner.  Open to US residents only.

Disclosure:  I was blessed to receive my own copy of the book As One Devil to Another for review and a certificate for the giveaway.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.


  1. I follow on google, would love to win!

  2. i follow on google plus
    jodi lasher

  3. follow on pinterest

  4. follow on gfc

  5. Follow on google+ (Jesse Davis)

  6. Follow on google+ (Jesse Davis) #2

  7. Follow on facebook(Jessica Davis)

  8. Follow on facebook(Jessica Davis) #2

  9. Follow on twitter(JessicaADavis)

  10. Follow on twitter(JessicaADavis) #2

  11. It would be for me, but then I would loan it out!

  12. It would be for me, but then I would loan it out! #2
