Friday, April 27, 2012

New Year's Eve Resolution Reset Blog App & DVD Giveaway

 *** Giveaway Now Closed ***
Congratulations to Amanda!

Did you make any resolutions this year?  If so, how are you doing?  Now is a great time to think about all the resolutions you made that may have been placed on the back burner.  With the New Year's Eve Resolution Reset Blog App, you can double check and make sure that you are on the right path to making your resolutions a reality.

Warner Bros. Pictures is proud to announce the release of the romantic comedy New Year's Eve on DVD May 1st!  This comedy stars Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Katherine Heigl, Sofia Vergara, Hilary Swank, Sarah Jessica Parker, Zac Efron, Jon Bon Jovi, and Josh Duhamel!

Now, onto the giveaway!  You can win your very own copy of this DVD!

Mandatory Entry:  Take the quiz and let me know how you are doing on your resolutions, that's it!  Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 

Extra Entries
, leave a separate comment for each extra entry.  As you can see, there are lots of extra entry opportunities so don't be shy!

1.  Follow me on google friend (2 extra entries)
2.  Follow my google+ page (2 extra entries)
3.  Follow my facebook page (2 extras)
4.  Follow me on Pinterest (2 extras)
5.  Follow me on twitter here (2 extras)

Giveaway will end on May 6th at Midnight.  Winner will be selected using a random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond.  If there is no response, I will randomly select another winner.  Open to US residents only.
Disclosure:  Thanks so much to the sponsor for providing this giveaway.


  1. I'm actually trying to stick to my resolution (I'm not doing as well as i'd hoped).

    Thanks for the follow, following back

  2. I took the quiz and it appears I try but have issues following through... well, that's really not a surprise! :) Honestly, I didn't have much of a new years resolution this year, but now that I have had my baby, it's like a new year for me as I want to get back on the weight loss wagon again! Here's praying!

  3. What an interesting giveaway haha! Now i need to get me some entries!

    xo Rachel

  4. I am way off track with my New Year's Resolutions!

    Popping in to say thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. I took the quiz and it said my intentions are good. I'm not doing so good with my resolution

    Sweetlikecandy1688 at gmail dot com

  6. Following you on pinterest 2


  7. Following you on pinterest 1


  8. Following your facebook page 1

    Amanda Sanchez

  9. Following your facebook page 2

    Amanda Sanchez

  10. Following your Google + page 1

    Amanda Sanchez

  11. Following your Google + page 2

    Amanda Sanchez

  12. Following you on Twitter 1

    @ Sweetgirly1688

  13. Following you on Twitter 2

    @ Sweetgirly1688

  14. The quiz said Resolution Renegade!! lol I actually didn't have a resolution this year :)

  15. I follow you on twitter @bmiller03
