Monday, March 25, 2013

Clothing Swap Part One

I have been a bit busy lately.  What have I been doing?  Well, I am having a clothing swap tomorrow night!  I have been slowly getting things ready over the last few weeks for this night!  And I am glad to say that I have a ton of stuff to bring including maternity clothes (yes, we think we are done), baby items, baby girl clothes 0-12 months (whatever E has outgrown), boy clothes 4T (what C has outgrown), women's clothing, household items - and the list goes on!

For those who are wondering - what is a clothing swap? - let me explain.

It is an opportunity for people to get rid of the perfectly good -- but not quite right for them - stuff that's crowding them out!  Everybody's stuff will be organized into "departments"--tops, bottoms, dresses, accessories and shoes for Mom, menswear, clothes, toys, housewares, etc.

Then everyone will shop through the goodies for free!  Afterwards, we will bag up the leftover stuff to give to specific groups in need.  Nothing goes to waste!  Brilliant idea, right?  Wish, me luck - I still have some work to do.  I am looking forward to having my living room back.  Below are some accurate photos of what it has been like the last week.

 Organizing the kids clothes

 Sorting through a "pile"

This pile is all going!

Happy Monday to you!  If you have any last minute tips for me, I am all ears :).


  1. Thanks for stopping by my Mendez Manor page. I am now following you as well!

  2. If you wear makeup, you can donate new or used makeup to women's shelters!

  3. Hi, it's Denise from Hip Austin Mom. Glad you liked the post:) Good luck on your clothing swap. With 5 little ones I don't know how you even found time to take a photo!

  4. Ha, Denise - you made me laugh! Elle great idea, not sure I would have thought of that.
