Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oh Dude and Mason Jars

I knew it would happen eventually.  One of my children would start using the D word, that's right - dude!  As a child of the 80's, dude was very much a part of my vocabulary but it has long since faded from my conversations and everyday life.  Until this morning.  D started calling everyone dude from out of nowhere.  Hmm, we did watch Finding Nemo last week - perhaps that has something to do with it!  But then it seems to have disappeared as quickly as it started.  C politely informed D that you cannot use dude when addressing ladies and since she has mostly sisters and C doesn't prefer to be addressed as dude - the word is again fading (I love that boy!).

 Miss D growing up!

In other news, I am trying to get back on track with my weight loss program.  I do not know about you but it seems like I take 3 steps forward and then 4 back, 2 forward and then one back, etc.  I can make forward progress and then out of nowhere I sabotage myself.  I am currently in a rut and need to pull myself out of it.  I think this is where it really helps to have community and accountability partners. 

 My Mason Jar Salads

In an effort to eat healthier or have at least some healthier meals I have been making mason jar salads!  I saw this idea on pinterest and I love it.  It totally works.

Here is my salad two days later - still perfectly fresh!

The trick is to put your dressing in the bottom, then layer your veggies followed by fruit and greens.  You also want to fill the jar, pack it well.  I did put a bit too much dressing in these jars but I was kind of figuring it out as I went.  These jars contain raspberry vinaigrette dressing, shredded carrots, cucumbers, radishes, blackberries, and a spring mix of lettuce and spinach - yum!  I love that I can make several of these at a time so they are ready when I need them and I can grab them to go - these are perfect for at home or a picnic lunch.  So, what are you healthy eating tips?  I really would love to know!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful idea! Mason Jar Salads! I'll have to try it--great for on the go!
