Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Old Navy Women's Best Tees Sample Share

Guess what?  I was selected for another awesome Old Navy Sampling through crowdtap.  This time it was for Women's Best Tees!

 Coupons in hand and ready to shop.

A friend and I were able to shop for two Best Tees each - we could select any from the Vintage and Perfect collections.  I was surprised at how many options there were.

 In front of the Perfect Tees

 Vintage Options

The Best Tees consisted of bright and bold colors as well as more traditional and classic options.  There were crew necks, v-necks, graphics, non-graphics, Henleys - really just a huge variety!  I think the crew tees are my favorite as the neckline is super flattering on me and I do not have to think about modesty.

 I really liked this green one on me.  I didn't get it but I plan on going back for it!

Sporting different Stripes

We each chose a vintage and a perfect tee!  I chose the perfect crew tee in black stripe and a graphic v-neck in black jack and my friend chose a Henley in orange stripe and a different graphic v-neck in royal rowena.

So I often get asked, "How in the world do you get these amazing sample opportunities and free products?".  And the answer is - crowdtap!   Crowdtap is an on-line community that allows you to sample products and earn cool rewards for interacting with top brands.  Interested in signing up, just go here.

A big thanks to both Crowdtap and Old Navy for this sampling opportunity!  I was blessed to receive two Old Navy Best Tees of my choice and take a friend along for two Best Tees of their choice.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

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