Monday, May 6, 2013

Cottonelle Clean Care Routine Sample Share

Alright, let's face it - everyone uses toilet paper.  I know this might sound crazy but I have never been a brand loyalist when it comes to toilet paper.  I will tell you that they are not all created equal.  It really isn't worth it to buy the cheapest toilet paper out there - it is usually scratchy and irritating and not worth any amount of money.  There are several great brands out there, including Cottonelle.  Their toilet paper is soft and reasonably priced.  I love it when I can find coupons, sometimes even on the packages as seen below.  I recently joined the Cottonelle Clean Care Routine Sample Share through crowdtap.

 My sample share pack was pretty awesome.
One 18 roll package and two 4 roll packages of Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper and 3 packages of Cottonelle flushable wipes

 I went to my local Walmart and took a photo to show the variety of Cottonelle products available.  Sure enough, the Clean Care Routine products were available for purchase there.

Including the wipes

If you are not familiar with Cottonelle's Clean Care Routine let me give you the skinny.   It is pretty simple.  It is using Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Cottonelle Flushable wipes together, that's it.  Most people skip on the wipes and Cottonelle is asking why?  They have a whole series of videos (The Car Wash, The Salon and The Restaurant) on this exact subject which are pretty funny to watch.  I have wondered how I might have reacted if I had been one of the subject's in the videos.  Click here to watch the videos for yourself.

I shared my samples with two of my girlfriends and I have been using the rest for my own family.

The biggest change I have made since joining this campaign would be including the flushable wipes in our bathroom.

Disclosure:  A big thanks to both Crowdtap and Cottonelle for this sampling opportunity!  I was blessed to receive one 18 roll package and two 4 roll packages of Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper and three packages of Cottonelle flushable wipes to use myself and share with two friends.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

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