Monday, May 6, 2013

Funky Yellow Bus Review

I have a new book to tell you about, Funky Yellow Bus by Robin Rosenberg and illustrated by Bernie Freytag.  This book is geared for kids ages 3-7, especially those fearful of new situations, including riding the school bus for the first time.  It can be applied to really any nervous moments or "firsts" that we all experience.

This book is full of cool characters and stars Brookie Cookie!  B was a tad excited about this name as her middle name is Brooke :).  Brookie Cookie is starting Kindergarten and finds herself super nervous about riding the Funky Yellow Bus.  It is a situation that is full of unknowns.  My children have never ridden a yellow bus as they are homeschooled but it is something that they are curious about.

 B (who is about to complete 1st grade) read this to C and D without any problems.

 I loved watching them enjoy this story.

The book has a rhyming pattern and my kids thought this was super fun.  Really, who doesn't like music and rhythm?  The pictures are bold and engaging for children of all ages.  Brookie's nerves are soon squelched as she realizes that she has friends aboard the bus - both old and new (Brad, a friend from nursery school, and Johnny, an older kid who seems tough but is actually a nice guy).  The Funky Yellow Bus ends up being an exciting place to be that offers fun and new adventures. 

I think their smiles say it all.

Want to know more about Funky Yellow Bus?  Check out the video trailer on their facebook page here.  And you can purchase your own copy of this book on Amazon here.

Check out their website here for even more details.  Thanks Robin for creating such a fun story.

Disclosure:  I was provided with a complimentary copy of Funky Yellow Bus to facilitate my review by the author.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

1 comment:

  1. Your little ones are adorable!! I'm your newest follower (GFC) via Aloha Blog Hop-I'd love you to visit and follow back if you enjoy my blog :)
