Thursday, June 20, 2013

Growing, Growing, Growing

Meet the Littlest Cummins - still in utero

For those of you who do not know, we are expecting baby #6 and we are super excited.  Admittedly, this was a bit of a shock at first but we are thrilled to be blessed with another bundle of joy.  Our littlest one is due to make their appearance sometime in early January - but you never know with little ones, they sometimes have a plan all their own.

 This is how we told our small group.

Our announcement cake

Of course, no one really "got it" until after we cut the cake and said, "We have an announcement to make."  So there you go.  Do you have any creative ways that you have shared news with others?  And it doesn't have to be pregnancy related, it can be anything really.


  1. Congratulations on the new bundle of joy! How exciting!

  2. congratulations!!Its really exciting...

  3. Thanks Amila - we are thrilled.

  4. Congratulations! What a fun idea to make your announcement. My friend is having twins and she wants to find out what they are & I want to make her 2 cakes to announce them.

  5. Lisa, thanks! What a fun idea to have two cakes - it can be a gender reveal party with them :).
