Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SeaWorld San Antonio AdventureCon13

 AdventureCon13 Participants
(Special thanks to the photographer for allowing me use of this photo)

Last weekend I had the privilege to attend my first ever blogging conference, AdventureCon13 at SeaWorld San Antonio.  It was an amazing experience chock-full of great information, fabulous people and of course was hosted by a one-of-a-kind park!  I learned tips and tricks of how to think like an editor, ways to attract brands, how to improve my photography skills and found out about a ton of blogging tools I had never heard of.  I will be spending the next few months really diving into the material and seeing how I can incorporate what I learned here on Cummins Life.  Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the conference and a special thanks to SeaWorld for really striving for relationships!

While I was there I had the opportunity to experience being at SeaWorld.  Let me show you some of the fun!


Did you know that SeaWorld San Antonio has an Animal Ambassador program?  You can find them at the Animal Connection Conservation Center at the park.  They also travel (so be on the lookout for them coming to you) making media and public appearances to raise awareness for conservation and species in danger.  I met two of SeaWorld's Ambassadors at the conference.  Above I was able to get the closest I have ever been to an armadillo.

 Meet Wilson -  adorable

Meet Alena 

I have always been fascinated by lemurs so again this was a super fun experience to get so close.  I love SeaWorld's passion for conservation and education!

I was able to see three different shows at the conference: One Ocean (Shamu Show), Azul and Pet's Ahoy.

Amazing leaps and jumps

Shamu poses

One Ocean will entertain you and educate you at the same time.  We can all make a difference and have an impact in our world.  

Azul features Beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, an array of colorful birds and superb acrobatics!  You will see the animals , the trainers and the acrobats all perform incredible tricks.  Expect to be entertained and remember this show really is a must see.

Pet's Ahoy is a brand new comical show featuring an array of animals rescued from animal shelters including dogs, cats, birds, rats, pot-belly pigs, and an assortment of feathery friends.  I loved seeing this show in action and it had me in stitches!


I made my way over to Aquatica which in some ways reminded me of a tropical paradise.  They have a bit of something for everyone.

 Seating in the sand

Just want to relax, no problem.  How about the beach chairs in the sand?  And if you are looking for a more interactive experience, you must check out the stingrays.

Stingray Encounter features a unique opportunity to get in the water with stingrays.  You will be able to touch them, feed them and stand in awe of these amazing creatures. 

These encounters happen at certain times during the day so make sure to book ahead.  I will definitely be taking my family back for this one.

Again, a big thanks to the Wildside Bloggers, other attendees of the conference and SeaWorld San Antonio for everything they did to pull this conference off.  I met some truly superb people and I hope to have opportunities to get to know them even better.

Disclosure:  I was provided with discount tickets to SeaWorld and Aquatica through participating in AdventureCon13.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. It was so great to meet you. I LOVE Azul, too!

  2. Thanks Ladies! It was fun to make new friends and learn so much at the same time.
