Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Alphie the Squid Game Review

I want to tell you about a fun, new mobile game, Alphie the Squid.  Alphie is an adorable little squid that has adventures and as he eats he grows along the way until finally he is a giant squid.

The Beginning of the Game

Alphie following behind his Mom.

In the beginning of the game, Alphie is in the ocean with his Mom.  Alphie's Mom is chased off by a great white shark and Alphie starts his journey to find her.  Don't worry, Alphie ends up finding her and reconnecting with her at the end of the game!

 Here they are hugging!

This game is fun, educational and my kids love it.  My kids have really enjoyed figuring out which creatures Alphie could eat and which creatures to stay away from.  They also found it fascinating that once Alphie was a giant squid, he could eat some of the creatures that preyed on him when he was small.  I really like the Gallery.  After you have discovered creatures you can go into the gallery and learn more about them.  You can see below my kids need to discover one more creature, they have found 42/43.

 About Flashlight Fish

About Moon Jelly

Alphie the Squid was featured as New and Noteworthy in 36 countries and now with the latest content update to the game, it has just been featured on the App Store as "Best New Game Update" in 110 countries!

Another cool thing to note is that Crystal Entertainment, the publisher behind this game, has teamed with The Monterey Bay Aquarium.  For every download of the game from the App Store, $1 of proceeds will go to supporting the Aquarium's nonprofit Children's Education fund.

Want to find out more?  You can visit Alphie on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.  And you can get the App on itunes or amazon.

Watch the trailer below!

Disclosure: Thanks so much to Sverve and Crystal Entertainment for selecting me to participate in this campaign.  Compensation was provided.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. This look very cute. I can see my son liking this one. Very cute graphics. I will def have to check it out.

  2. I LOVE that the developers are donating money from each purchase to help benefit aquariums. My three year old would LOVE this app, thanks for the review! :)

  3. My daughter loves this game. It is one of her favorites.

  4. My son would love this-Alphie is adorable

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That is such a cute game. I love the characters.

    Michelle F.

  7. This looks like such a cute game I think that my son would love it.

  8. OMG that is such a cute looking game. I may get that for when my niece hogs my phone. Haha

  9. my beautiful baby "binkgus" or "binky" for short is so hapy with the game. lol.

    thank u binky also says ty to amazing mom give us game. thanks.
