Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Grave Robber Book Review & $25 Family Christian Gift Card Giveaway

I have another book to tell you about, The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible by Mark Batterson.  Yes, this book is about the grave robber himself, Jesus.  Batterson walks us through seven miracles or signs spotlighted in the Gospel of John, each revealing a dimension of Jesus' power.  You will recount Jesus turning water into wine all the way to raising Lazarus from the dead, He really is incredible.

Batterson tell us, "Don't seek miracles.  Seek Jesus.  And if you seek Jesus, miracles will find you."  I love this!  After all, Jesus is the source of every miracle.  Simple words with profound meaning.  I often become distracted in my Christian walk and it usually doesn't take long before I realize that I am ignoring the cornerstone of my faith.  How can I walk the path God sets before me if I am ignoring the maker of my path?  Seek Jesus.

Batterson doesn't just focus on miracles of the past but rather invites you to join Jesus in the present.  Miracles happen TODAY all around us both big and small.  Batterson helps open your eyes to it all.  He has a knack for drawing you in and showing you how miracles of the past are inspiring and relevant now.  This book is encouraging and life-giving.

Ready for an exciting giveaway?  One of you will win a $25 Family Christian gift card!  Open to US/Canadian residents only.  Enter below and good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure:  As part of the Family Christian Blogger program I was given a copy of The Grave Robber to facilitate my review.  All opinions expressed are my own.  Thanks to Family Christian for sponsoring the $25 gift card as well.


  1. If I won, I think I would get some gifts:) Lots of great things at Family Christian!


  2. Look for a gift my 7yo would like...

  3. I would shop gifts for her and treat myself.

  4. I would shop for gifts for my OCC shoe boxes.

  5. SInce I'm a bookworm, I'd probably buy some of their great books!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  6. I would buy some gifts like bookmarks.

  7. If I won, I would love to buy my mother the Opal Cross Necklace! She loves Cross Necklaces to wear when she is helping at church on Sundays!

  8. If I won I would put it towards a new Bible!

  9. I would shop for Christmas gifts for my kids, probably devotionals of some type.

  10. i would use this to buy a christmas gift for my parents

  11. I would buy a new cross to hang in my daughters room!

  12. I would buy a Bible cover for my husband.


  13. My son needs a new Bible for school!

  14. I would put it towards some jewelry

  15. I would buy a book for each of my three children! Thanks

  16. I'd use it to get some kids Christian books for my nieces and granddaughter.Thank you for the chance :)

  17. Bummed! I missed the giveaway. It looks like such a great book! WIll have to put it on my wishlist. :)
