Sunday, April 26, 2015

5 Tips for Helping Children Build Good Hand Washing Skills + Dial Review/Giveaway

I have two Dial products to share with you today: Dial Baby body + hair wash (fragrance free) and Dial Kids Foaming hand wash (watery melon).  You might not know that Dial has a baby body/hair wash, that's because it is new.  Yes, this is Dial's launch into the babies' personal care line.  It is recommended for babies 0-2 years old.  This product is tear free, hypoallergenic, has no parabens or artificial dyes, pH balanced and was developed with Pediatric Dermatologists.  How does Baby/Toddler F like it?  Check out the photos below!

Dial Baby Body and Hair Wash

F loves splashing so it was a bit difficult to get him to look for a photo.

There we go, clean baby looking up at last!

I love that Dial Baby Body and Hair Wash is tear free so I don't have to worry about it irritating his eyes when we wash his hair.  Baby F had no problem when I dumped the bucket of water on his head to rinse off the wash.  He was so busy playing, he barely noticed it!  This wash is fragrance free so it doesn't have a strong odor other than clean freshness.  

And what about Dial Kids Foaming hand wash.  It too was developed with Pediatric dermatologists, is hypoallergenic, has no artificial dyes or parabens and is pH balanced.

 B using Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash

Say Cheese!

The formula is gentle on hands and skin and helps make hand washing fun for all ages!  This got me thinking, how do you help your children develop and maintain good hand washing skills?  See my tips below.  And make sure you enter the giveaway as well.

5 Tips for Helping Children Build Good Hand Washing Skills

1. Have a good set up

Make sure that your child can get to the sink and have soap readily available.  Have a step stool - necessary if your youngest child cannot reach the faucet handles.  We have one available in/near both of our bathrooms and sinks.  Make sure the child knows how to turn the faucet on and off.  If these basic steps are overlooked it may not be possible for younger children to actually wash their hands without assistance and develop poor habits, like not always washing their hands when it is needed.

2.  Practice with them.

Have a system and practice it with them.  Tell them to rinse their hands, soap them up on both sides, scrub and then rinse and dry.  Whatever you choose, make sure they know what the system is.  My kids also know to always wash their hands after they use the bathroom and before they eat.  We also wash our hands after playing outside as a general rule.

3.  Make it fun.

Have them sing or hum a song.  We do this with teeth brushing as well.  It helps my children brush longer, the same applies for hand washing.  Our favorite is the ABC's.  You can also reward children when they are first learning if needed.

4.  Have good hand washing skills yourself.

If your children or other kids see you exhibiting good hand washing skills they will be more likely to do what they see.

5.  Explain to them why we wash our hands in the first place. 

Share with your children about germs and staying healthy.  If they understand why you are asking them to wash their hands, they will be more likely to do it.

What other tips would you add?  I would love to hear them!

Ready for a flash giveaway?  Three readers will win a free product coupon for one free Dial Baby Body and Hair Wash OR one free Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash (expiration 6/30/15).  Just enter the giveaway below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was selected to participate in this campaign as a Purex Insider.  Thanks so much to Purex and Dial for providing me with a sample of both Dial Baby Body and Hair Wash as well as Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash to facilitate my review and coupons for this giveaway.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.  As part of this campaign I am eligible to win prizes!


  1. Having "fun" soap helps my kids wash their hands.

  2. *Thanks so much* Cummins Life and Purex! We look forward to trying Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash :)
