Monday, April 20, 2015

Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe Book Review

Disclosure: I am proud to be a Family Christian Blogger, Affiliate, and Max Lucado blogger.  I was provided with my own copy of Miracle At The Higher Grounds Cafe to facilitate my review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Higher ground, what does that mean to you?  Is it simply ground that is elevated in some way making it higher than surrounding lower areas?  Does it have a spiritual meaning for you as well?  For me I think of raised alters, places of worship and holy ground - like when Moses removed his sandals.  These places have a connection and closeness to God.  Now imagine a modernized "higher ground", like your local coffee shop and you have the backdrop for Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe by Max Lucado.  How does this cafe have a connection and closeness to God?  An internet connection taps into the divine and everyone is alloted one question to ask God - thus the God Blog is born.  Of course the "grounds" reference is clever.  Chelsea Chambers, the owner of the new Higher Grounds Cafe, is known for her amazing cupcakes and baked goods.  Similarly, I have a friend who loves to cook!  In fact, she is known for making yummy treats.  Her creations are always delicious and creative!  I was even able to snap of few photos of her goodies.

 Yummy treats

So, what if you could ask God one question?  Only one question - that is what customers who flock to the Higher Grounds Cafe have the opportunity to do from the "God Blog".  I wonder what I myself would ask.  I have to think hard about this one, my question cannot be wasted, right?  How can I be the best wife and Mom that I can be?  Yes, I think that is it.  And I hear Him saying, "Trust Me".   And I do!  It is not always easy, in fact, often life is downright hard but I do trust the Lord and His promises.  Do you?

You may know and love Max as a nonfiction author but this book is definitely fiction and it is wonderful.  I devoured it like a baked good and my palette is indeed content.  Max, you truly have a way of sharing Biblical truths throughout your books, even fiction ones and I love you for that.

 Grab your book and treat to boot!

You can read more about this book and/or purchase it from Family Christian here!  Please enter the giveaway below and check out the amazing video of this book as well, it is so fun!

Ready for a giveaway?  Family Christian is generously providing one of you with a $10 Appreciation Certificate.  Just enter the form below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A good review! I enjoyed this book very much. Wasn't the God Blog an intriguing idea? I have no idea what I'd ask!

  2. I would buy this book actually, I ve been wanting to read it. If I could ask God one questions it would be will my daughter have a strong faith in Christ.

  3. I have read this book and it is terrific! I have no idea what I would ask God, that is so tough!!

  4. I had no idea he wrote ficiton books. I will definitely have to get my hand on this one!
