Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Bathroom Bites The Dust

Well, our bathroom is completely destroyed!  I mean gutted - no toilet, no sink, no floor, no tub, no nothing really.  And it all started with a faucet.  We decided to replace the faucet in the kid's bathroom, which is also our guest bathroom.  Our home has two bathrooms and we make it work.  We picked out the faucet and it should have been fairly easy but no.  There were stains on the old counter top that were bigger than the new faucet knobs, it just looked bad.  So we thought, ok - let's take out the counter top.  Then that led to removing the ridiculously old floor and then the toilet, and then the tub - basically everything!  Honestly, I am kind of happy it happened.  I have always disliked that floor and the tub/shower didn't work quite right, the plumbing needs to be fixed. 

 We removed the cabinet and counter.

Then decided to go for the floor.

I thought the floor was already bad but take a look at the other layer of floor below, yikes!

 This is what was under the tile above the bathtub.

 The toilet is gone.

 Removing the bathtub was a bit harder because it was all one piece.

No more tub!

 This is a great opportunity to fix up all the things that need to be done and I know it is going to be awesome in the end.  So, it you come over and see our out of order sign, IT'S REAL!  If anyone want to sponsor a bathroom redo, please let me know :).  This project will probably take us a while.  And I would love to hear suggestions on storage ideas for large families with small bathrooms.  We just might implement one of your suggestions.