Monday, September 14, 2015

The Happy Christian & Giveaway

You guys know I love to read!  I have been in my bookclub for over 9 years now and I sometimes wonder how many books I have read through my club and blogging.  I know it's a lot!  I just finished reading The Happy Christian (Ten Ways to be a Joyful Believer in a Gloomy World) by David Murray.  This book is broken down into ten chapters along with an introduction and conclusion.  The chapter topics are Happy Facts, Happy Media, Happy Salvation, Happy Church, Happy Future, Happy World, Happy Praise, Happy Giving, Happy Work, and Happy Differences - you see the theme, HAPPY!

 E and I enjoying the birds.

It is amazing to realize how much of an impact negative thoughts, feelings, actions, words, relationships, etc. have in our lives.  And just as amazing in reverse, how much of an impact positive (happy) thoughts, feelings, actions, words, relationships have in our lives.  As believers we have the ultimate weapon to combat lies and negativity in our lives, we have the Bible - full of wisdom and truth.  I am still learning how to carry my sword and I have complete faith and confidence that I will get there.  I love that this book leads me in the right direction.

Our small group (weekly Bible group) is made up of families from various local churches.  I have really enjoyed this aspect of our group.  In his book, Murray talks about the advantage of Biblical diversity and how every encounter with diversity doesn't have to be a threat or negative experience.  I liked this perspective.

More About This Book
In The Happy Christian, professor and pastor David Murray blends the best of modern science and psychology with the timeless truths of Scripture to create a solid, credible guide to positivity. The author of the acclaimed Christians Get Depressed Too, Murray exposes modern negativity’s insidious roots and presents ten perspective-changing ways to remain optimistic in a world that keeps trying to drag us down.

Even though hopelessness and negativity has invaded much of culture, including the church, Christians have resources to live differently. The Happy Christian invites readers to shed negativity and become counter cultural missionaries by demonstrating the positive power of the gospel in their lives.  Be sure to check out David Murray's blog.

I love the quote in the video below by Maurice Roberts, "This book is good medicine for sad saints."

Ready for a Giveaway?  Two readers will win their very own copies of The Happy Christian thanks to Family Christian.  Just enter below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am proud to be a Family Christian Blogger and Affiliate.  I was provided with my own copy of The Happy Christian to facilitate my review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

1 comment:

  1. If I win, I'll send this to my grandmother. She loves to read Christian fiction and faith-based nonfiction books.
