Friday, December 4, 2015

Gift Ideas That Feed the Soul & Family Christian Giveaway

*Thanks to Family Christian for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are my own.*

Christmas doesn't come from a store.  There are a lot of creative ways to communicate love through gift giving, but often it is helpful to be able to pick out a gift from the store shelf or online.

With Christmas quickly approaching you may be wondering what gifts to get for family and friends.  A few years ago I heard a great idea of what to buy for your kids.  You may be familiar with it: give them something they want, something they'll wear, something they need and something to read.  I actually really like this idea!  But I wanted to add something.  Give them something that feeds the soul!  So I put together a list of ideas that help feed the soul.  I had so much fun browsing and shopping at Family Christian and it wasn't hard to find ideas and inspiration.  You can always find great deals and you never forget the true reason for the season.

1. Bible (anyone)

Once our children really start reading, we invest in a high quality Bible for them.  We want them to have access to God's word and encourage them to read about God first hand.  A, B and C already have Bibles.  D's reading has really improved this year and we feel that she is ready for her first official Bible so she will be receiving this on Christmas!  For adults - If your loved ones enjoy drawing, doodling and learning scriptures I would also highly recommend a Journaling Bible.  I have really enjoyed Bible journaling this year.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  bookmark or journaling pens.

 The Bible we are giving D this year - engraved!

2.  Adult Coloring Books (this work for youth too)

These books have intricate detail and much more complex patterns than you will find in a classic preschool coloring book!  You have probably seen adult coloring books in many stores (they seem to be everywhere), but you may not know that Family Christian has a nice collection that include scripture.  As you use your crayons or colored pencils you can refresh and renew your mind while focusing on the presence of God, how awesome is that?  I picked up a few of these for A and B this Christmas.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  colors, colored pencils, or watercolors.

 Coloring Books

 I picked these up for the older girls.

A peek inside...

3.  Journals (anyone)

Journals are a great way to jot down notes, ideas, drawings, prayers, praises, etc.  I want to encourage my kids to lead a lifestyle of thanksgiving and praise.  I also want them to be prayer warriors.  Journals are a great tool to have to help cultivate those skills.  Family Christian has a plethora of journals to choose from, something for everyone.  I thought about saying these only work for those who have learned to write but I really think they work for much younger as well.  Even before they can write our kids love to draw.  Giving them their own book or place to do that can be truly special.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  a fun pen.

 Wall of journals

 Sadie Robertson Journals

Do everything in love journal

Fun Holiday Journal

4.  War Room (adults, older kids)

Right now you can pre-buy War Room (available December 22nd) at Family Christian.  You will also receive a free prayer journal with the current pre-buy deal.  This is the latest movie from the Kendrick brothers (the makers of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous).  I was able to see this movie and it was so good.  Not only was it extremely well made, it is thought provoking and it will change how you view prayer and how you pray.  I now have a prayer wall inspired from this movie.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  prayer journal, sticky prayers.

 The prayer journal I received when I pre-bought War Room.

A look inside the prayer journal.

5.  Wall Scripture/Wall Art (enjoyed by all)

David and I love the Word.  We recently had a conversation about how we would like to see more scriptures on the walls of our homes.  Scripture is powerful and Family Christian has so many wonderful options for scripture decor.  You can also find lots of inspiring phrases and artwork as well.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  scripture magnet or encouragement note cards.

 I fell in love with this wall art at my Family Christian store.

6.  Buck Denver Asks...Why Do We Call It Christmas? (everyone)

If you are familiar with the What's In The Bible series then you will already know about Buck Denver.  This video is such a fun and informative way to explain Christmas to both kids and adults.  I reviewed this movie last year so you can read more about What's In The Bible Why Do We Call It Christmas?.  We watch this family favorite every December.  Stocking Stuffer idea to match:  What's In The Bible Coloring Book or Christmas ornament.

 WITB Why Do We Call It Christmas?

I hope you find these ideas helpful and inspirational as you finish up your seasonal shopping this year.  I also want to add that most of these suggestions really work year round so keep them in mind for birthdays and other gift giving opportunities as well.

Ready for a giveaway?  One of you will win a $25 certificate to Family Christian!  Just enter the giveaway below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. If I won, I would probably buy the VeggieTales Double Feature: St. Nicholas/Toy that Saved Christmas DVD for my daughter.
    -Audra O'Hara

  2. I would get the WOW Christmas CD! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  3. I would love to get the Mr. & Mrs. Mugs too!

  4. I would get the holiday journal for my niece!


  5. It's not really an "item" but I think mindfulness really helps "feed the soul".


  6. I would buy my oldest a new Bible- his is too juvenile for him.

  7. I might buy a Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I also love their selection of board books to read to pre-readers.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. I would probably buy some books to read, or maybe a book to give away.

  10. Id love to win this for a family member. not sure which one would like it most lol. they all shop at Family Christian often and buy a lot of books so this would come in very handy. Id love to give it as a Christmas gift to them

  11. reading beautiful poetry feeds my soul

  12. If I won I'd buy some new Amish fiction books. I love them because they are clean romance stories. They take me to a slower paced place and really help me to relax.

  13. Listening to Alan Jacksons gospel album feeds my soul. I love to hear him sing Amazing Grace, and I want to stroll over Heaven with you. The whole album is good and really just helps me get thru some days.

  14. I would buy a journaling Bible - it would be really fun to keep notes, doodles, etc in the margins.

  15. I love listening to Christian Praise music - it truly calms me and feeds my soul!

  16. I'd love the grandmother by willow tree:)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  17. The book "Lead Your Family LIke Jesus" could lead the soul:)

  18. Christian story books for children feeds the soul.

  19. I might buy the Little People Nativity.

  20. Christian devotionals feed the soul.

  21. I would love to have the ABC Building Blocks Pull Toy for my son
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  22. I would get a new devotional or a couple of new journals for Bible studies.
    Sherri J

  23. I think Christian music feeds my soul. I love to listen to it as I travel.
    Sherri J

  24. I think that I would get a new study Bible for my mom!

  25. Id get a coloring book.Thanks for the chance :)

  26. Id get a coloring book.Thanks for the chance :)
