Monday, July 31, 2017

Clean Eating July 2017

After 1 Month of Clean Eating

I had such a fabulous time on our family beach trip in June but if I am totally honest with you I have been struggling with my weight.  Thankfully, I did not let that stop me from having fun with my kids and family.  I enjoyed splashing at the beach with my kids, building a few sand creatures and a few games of beach volleyball.  I realize that I miss being more active.  When I got home I decided that I needed a kick in the pants to restart my journey of becoming a better me.  So, for the last month David and I have been eating clean.  Thankfully my husband is super supportive and joined me on my quest.  What does clean eating mean you may be asking yourself?  Well, it basically means that we are eating whole foods and unprocessed foods.  In the last month we have consumed a variety of fruits and vegetables.  We have had apples, arugula, asparagus, avocados, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, clementines, collard greens, cucumbers, fennel, garlic, grapefruit, green beans, kale, lemons, limes, mangos, onions, pears, peas, peppers, radishes, romaine, scallions, shallots, snap peas, spaghetti squash, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, and zucchini to name a lot!  And let me tell you, the food is good.  Really it is not hard to eat at all.  The hard part for me is cooking it all!  Every day I make our breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus two snacks.  It turns out that I was eating way more convenient food than I had realized - I think most people do.  You need to know that I do have the occasional cheat - like when I ate Chick-fil-A chicken minis for breakfast on Cow Appreciation Day!  Now, for my results.  After 1 month of eating clean I have lost 15 pounds and 7 inches in my waist!  Honestly, I find this pretty astounding.  I still have quite a bit to go on my quest of becoming a better me but I feel like I am well on my way to being healthier.  I have also been amazed at how much more energy I have.  I guess when I eat processed food it makes me feel more fatigued and less satisfied - that's just my experience.  It is never too late to join me and start your own quest.  BE ENCOURAGED!  I plan on giving another update next month.  Enjoy the photos below of some of the meals David and I have been enjoying.

What my meals looked like Day 1 of clean eating.

My Day 2 of clean eating.

I made collages of my first two days of clean eating so that you have an idea of what I ate.  I also have to give a shout out to BuzzFeed as I used many of their clean eating recipes from the last few years.  They are delicious, and the recipes are easy to follow.  The food and recipes are not hard to make but it can be challenging or hard for me to find the time to make them.

 Poached eggs on asparagus - it's really good.

 David is not a huge fan of cauliflower but he really enjoys cauliflower rice.

 This chili with zucchini ribbons has become one of our favorites.

 Tilapia on green beans and lentils

 Turkey Burger

 Lettuce Wraps

 Quinoa with fennel, blueberries and pistachios

 Zucchini ribbons with quinoa and chopped almonds

 Hard boiled egg and radish salad

 Salmon salad with oranges

 Salsa verde chicken and roasted veggies

 Shrimp lettuce cups

 Soft boiled eggs with potato soldiers and kale

 Spaghetti squash with ground turkey and tomatoes

 Spinach, pepper egg muffins with strawberries

Sweet potato and kale frittata

Okay, this post is making me hungry.  Here's to the next month of clean eating and a better me!

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