Thursday, August 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Baby G

Happy 1st Birthday Son

My baby is officially 1 today!  One year ago today I was preparing to have my first ever C-section because Baby G was breech and literally 10 minutes before I was being rolled into the OR my doctor double checked and the baby had turned!  My C-section turned into an induction which turned into the best labor I have ever had and then my whopping 9lb 3 oz baby boy was here!  The rest is history.

Waiting for A at Youth Group and hanging with Mommy.

I love his smile.

Fun facts about our boy.  Baby G hates baths - he actually despises them.  Although, ever since we got back from the beach in June (and he had to have a bath every day) he has done much better with them so I am hopeful that things have changed.  He has 6 choppers and has had them for awhile.  He got teeth the earliest of all our kids.  He started walking just a few weeks ago at 11 months.  He loves music - his absolute favorite song in the entire world is It Is Well by Kristene DiMarco & Bethel Music.  I think he has heard this song a million times.  It always seems to calm him.  He has good taste in music.

 Big Boy

We plan on celebrating tonight as a family at IHOP for dinner and then by having his giraffe themed birthday party over the weekend.  Happy Birthday Baby G, we love you!!

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