Friday, August 4, 2017

RXBAR Kids Sampling with Crowdtap

My sampling kit

The kids and I were picked to sample RXBAR Kids through Crowdtap.  I am super excited about this because as I have started on my clean eating journey I have found that it can be hard to find healthier, cleaner snack for the kids to eat - especially when on the go.  RXBAR Kids have 7 grams of protein and do not contain gluten, dairy, soy or added sugar - basically No Bad Stuff.  My kids tried the Chocolate Chip, Apple Cinnamon Raisin, and Berry Blast.

What the bars look like.

 B trying the Apple Cinnamon Raisin

 D trying chocolate chip

 And C trying Berry Blast

The kids enjoyed RXBAR Kids Apple Cinnamon Raisin the best out of the three flavors, followed by Chocolate Chip and then Berry Blast.  I am encouraged that my children are paying attention to my new eating habits and that they are willing to try new, healthier things.

 RX BARS at our local Target

Baby G and I picking up a few boxes of RXBARs from Target.

Disclosure:  This post was sponsored by RXBAR Kids as part of a sampling opportunity through Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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