Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I'm Finally 40

With my cake and 40 candles!

I turned 40 on Saturday!  It was a busy day as D had a gymnastics performance and C had his last baseball game of the season at the same time.  David and the kids had a dinner party for me in the evening and it was a lot of fun.  They made a lot of delicious food - fajitas and all the fixings, tamales, salsa, guacamole, queso, chips, etc. along with an amazing chocolate cake and 3 kinds of Blue Bell ice cream.  It was so great to spend time with family and friends and I'm so thankful for those that were able to come over and celebrate with me.  Enjoy the photos.

D after her performance

 My cake was chocolate, with a little bit of chocolate, covered in chocolate with a side of chocolate...you get the idea

Blowing out my candles...

 Still blowing...


 And my favorite picture from the party!

People keep asking me if 40 feels any different and the truth is it really doesn't.  I definitely feel older than I did years ago but I've felt that way for awhile, nothing magical changed on Saturday.  I feel blessed to have been married 16 years and have had 7 children by my 40th birthday - that is my best accomplishment for sure and my greatest joy.  I look forward to enjoying this next decade.

1 comment:

  1. Turning 40 is a milestone, but nowadays, 40 is still considered pretty young! You are lucky you didn't need to craft your own party, sounds like they did a nice job!
