Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Label Daddy Allergy Labels Review

With seven kids I feel as though it was bound to happen but a few of my kiddos suffer from allergies.  C has extreme seasonal allergies.  He actually has been getting allergy shots for the last few years and it has made such a huge difference.  A few years ago we found out that E is highly allergic to fire ants.  And then earlier this year, E had a case of serum sickness in which we found out that she is allergic to Amoxicillin - yuck.  You would think it doesn't come up much with her being homeschooled but with her activities, our homeschool co-op and even church it is great to have a way for people to know that E has allergies, even if they are not food related.  I recently ordered E allergy labels from Label Daddy and I'm so glad I did.  Our label pack came with 27 round allergy labels measuring 2.06".  The peel and stick labels make it so easy to alert kids, teachers, friends, other parents, you name it to any allergies your child might have.  They work on bags, lunch boxes, food containers, and more!  E carries and Epi-pen so it was great to apply one of these labels to her bag, easy peasy indeed.  I also rest easier knowing that my cell phone number is right there in case someone should need it.

Here is an example label from the Label Daddy website.

Our Labels (I scratched out my phone number for obvious reasons)

You can see that the outside circle alerts everyone to the fact that there is an allergy.  You can customize the name, allergies and phone number.  E's favorite color is red so of course she loved them right away.  I also love that the peel-and-stick labels are scratch-resistant and waterproof - so you don't have to label things over and over and over again - woohoo!  These labels are durable and exactly what I was looking for.  Label Daddy sells allergy labels, clothing labels, shoe labels, school labels and even Holiday labels and tags.  

Check them out and let me know what you think.  Use code USFAMILY25 at checkout to save 25% on your entire order!

Disclosure: Thanks so much to USFamilyGuide and Label Daddy for allowing me to participate in this campaign.  I received my own Label Daddy customized labels for review.  All opinions are my own.

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