Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Patience Is A Virtue And The Miracle Season Trailer

I wanted to share The Miracle Season trailer with you today.  The Miracle Season releases in theaters April 6th and I'm excited to see it, just a few more days!

The movie is about tragic loss but also how we can find hope and light is some of the darkest seasons we face in life.  When C first started baseball, he was taught the basics.  On his first few teams they didn't count runs, they didn't count outs, everyone got to hit and run the bases.  This was great for learning the game but then C wanted to play "real" baseball.  So we switched leagues.  He was on a team that didn't win a single game.  And C learned how to lose gracefully and cheerfully.  It was character building in a great way.  Although that was a tough season C was patient and stuck with the game he loves.  He has been on several teams now, always diligent to show up for practices and games and hoping to play well.  And he has had some amazing coaches along the way.  C is now on the best team he has ever been on.  The other night he hit a double at his at bat and I couldn't be more proud of him.  It's not the winning or losing that matters the most.  It's how you play the game and more importantly how you treat others while doing so.  I'm grateful for all that baseball is teaching my son.

As promised, check out the trailer for The Miracle Season below.

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to Grace Hill Media for selecting me to participate in this campaign.  By sharing this information with you I will receive a $30 gift card.  All opinions are my own.


  1. It's hard to believe it's a true story. Tragic incidents but so much hope too!
