Friday, April 6, 2018

Timberdoodle's Pathway Readers 1st Grade Set Review

Pathway Readers

I want to share with you a fun reading program that E just finished as part of her homeschool curriculum this year, Timberdoodle's Pathway Readers 1st Grade Set.  This set is one of the many treasures you will find within Timberdoodle's 1st grade curriculum kit.  This set contains three readers: First Steps, Days Go By, and More Days Go By.  Each book has a distinct outside color making them easy to differentiate when on a shelf (red, blue and green).  However, within each reader it contains black-and-white sketches.  This set is geared towards 6-7 year olds in 1st and 2nd grade.

E reading First Steps

Here you get a peek inside the book.

E's reading and writing has really exploded recently and it has been so fun to watch.  Reading was very challenging for her at first and she struggled with "not knowing everything".  Sometimes she was scared to try.  As E began this series, I really enjoyed the confidence it gave her as she mastered each story to press onward and even read other books and stories for fun.  She laughed and smiled as she worked her way through these lovely stories about farm life, harvests and family.

E and G in the allergist waiting room.

She was eager to take these books along for allergy appointments and general outings so that she could read to me and her younger siblings!

A peek into Days Go By.

Finishing this set!

Another thing about this set that I loved was the reading comprehension that it fosters.  I love how the stories are continuations of the first ones and I really enjoyed hearing E tie things together from each of the stories and even the separate books themselves.  And when I say continuations I don't mean that they pick up exactly where the previous story left off but that you have to remember the characters and past adventures.  When I asked E what she liked about these books she said, "EVERYTHING!"  So there you have it.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  Timberdoodle sent my family the Pathway Readers 1st Grade Set for a discounted price in exchange for our honest review.  All opinions are my own.