Friday, June 22, 2018

Going the Distance & Creed II Movie Trailer

Creed II releases in theaters November 21st

Was there ever a time you struggled to "go the distance" - whether in a sport, school subject, or just overcoming a difficult challenge/time in life?  This November, Rocky and Creed, who on screen inspired us all to "go the distance," and fight for our dreams returns to the big screen to face their biggest challenge yet - both on and off the ring.

For me, I am inspired to "go the distance" with my children and in my parenting.  It is such a journey and I am so far from figuring it out but I see the worth in it.  I want to help shape, nurture and grow my children into amazing human beings.  There are times I want to check-out, I feel like I don't have what it takes but those are the times to press in.  Next time I see my children in a squabble or find myself in the throws of a parenting challenge I am going to hum the Rocky theme song and see if it helps me get my perspective back, just a thought.

Check out the trailer for Creed II below and let me know what you think.

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to Grace Hill Media for selecting me to participate in this campaign.  By sharing this information with you I will receive a $40 gift card.  All opinions are my own.

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