Friday, June 22, 2018

My Medical Mystery

G in C's batting helmet

Hey Guys!  I just wanted to give a bit of an update and ask for you prayer.  I posted a brief description on facebook yesterday but I have been dealing with a medical mystery for the past month now.  On May 21st I woke up with my entire right arm swollen (from the wrist to the shoulder).  I was able to get into my primary doctor who thought it was from packing boxes (WE MOVED, but that's another post).  She took some bloodwork and sent me on my way.  Hours later, the doctor's office called me back and sent me to the ER because they thought I had a clot in my arm.  After lots of testing (ultrasound of arm, EKG and X-ray of my heart) it was determined that I didn't have a clot and they really didn't know what was going on so they called it cellulitis and gave me an antibiotic (Cephalexin) and told me to take ibuprofen.  A few days later it turns out that I am allergic to that antibiotic (I'm also allergic to Amoxicillin, yay me).  My primary doctor switched my antibiotic (Sulfa) and gave me steroids (Prednisone) but she was at a loss of what to do or who to send me to.  The next week I went to see an amazing ortho doctor who thought I had an overuse injury, made sense.  I was given exercises to do and follow up in a few weeks.  A week later I went to see another general doctor to have my bloodwork rechecked because I just felt "off."  It's hard to explain but I knew that something wasn't right.  My bloodwork looked good except my WBCs were high.  I should also note that the swelling was also moving into my neck, shoulder and chest area - only on the right side.  When I followed up at the ortho they sent me to get an MRI STAT.  They called me that night and said that the MRI looked good and I should schedule an MRI for my shoulder and start PT.  I went to PT and they thought I should follow up with a lymphedema PT specialist.  The ortho doctor's office called me back the next day and said that my MRI actually showed a clot in my right subclavian.  They started me on blood thinners.  I saw a cardio vascular surgeon a few days later who rechecked an ultrasound of my arm and said I didn't have a clot, took me off blood thinners and told me I most likely have TOS, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.  He said the MRI showed an obstruction at the subclavian but not necessarily a clot.  Is your head dizzy at this point?  Mine was.  I got a second opinion with another vascular specialist a few days later and he agreed.  Two specialist in agreement makes me feel so much better.  So, I have a venogram scheduled Monday which will tell us for sure if I have TOS and help us know how to proceed.  I am so grateful to be close to a diagnosis because I have felt pretty miserable for the last month.  A few of the doctors that I saw treated me like I was crazy and that's a hard thing to go through.  Thankfully, most of them were amazing!  Please pray for this procedure on Monday - I would so appreciate it.  Instead of photos of my swollen right side I give you one of G in his big brother's batting helmet and Stevie Dawg at our new house (more pictures to come soon of this).

Stevie Dawg in our new home.

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