Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Baby G's Big Break

Little Man G, taken a few days ago

I cannot believe it happened but Baby G, really Little Man G now, broke his arm yesterday.  He has a fracture at his right elbow - poor guy.  He is taking it like a champ.  He woke up favoring his left arm and we weren't sure why.  I watched him throughout the morning and he really didn't want to use his right arm, which happens to be his dominant arm.

Here you can see what I mean.  He wouldn't use his right arm when he played.

I called the nurse and we thought it best to get him checked out.  In a nutshell - his appointment turned into x-rays, which turned into a visit to the pediatric orthopedic, which turned into his cast.  G wanted a yellow cast but they ended up putting a cast on him that can be cut in a few weeks instead of using the heavy equipment, they thought it might scare him, and that cast only comes in white.  So that was pretty much our day yesterday.

Here is big boy with his new cast!

And here is G with his Brownie bear.  Brownie broke his right arm yesterday too!

We follow up in 3 weeks to see if he has healed enough to be cast free.  I'll keep you updated.