Thursday, September 13, 2018

Unbroken: Path to Redemption Movie Review & Fandango Giveaway

I'm so excited to share with you that Unbroken: Path to Redemption releases in theaters tomorrow, September 14th!  I read the book and watched the first film Unbroken many years ago.  Louie Zamperini's story is truly amazing and I am so glad to see the second half come to life in this new film.  I was blessed to see a prescreening of this upcoming film.

Wow, wow, wow!  Louis Zamperini's life story is just incredible.  I remember when I read the book, I kept thinking to myself, all this happened to one man - yes, it did!  I also remember thinking to myself at the conclusion of the first movie Unbroken, wait -  that's not it!  There's so much more.  Well, this is the more!  This movie is real and raw.  Louis Zamperini has real struggles and addictions and this movie shows them head on (hence the PG 13 rating).  It also shows his family and how they stand by him and how God is a God that pursues.  This movie is definitely worth your time.

Full Synopsis:  After surviving a plane crash, weeks of floating on a makeshift raft in the Pacific, and then years of torture as a prisoner of war, Louis Zamperini finally returns home to California, seemingly unbroken.  When the war ended, his battle began.  Based of Laura Hillenbrand's bestselling book, Unbroken: Path to Redemption begins where the hit movie Unbroken concludes, continuing the unbelievable true story of Olympian and World War II hero Louis Zamperini.  Haunted by nightmares of his torment, Louie sees himself as anything but a hero.  Despite battling demons, anger, and alcohol, Louie feels obligated to participate in an Army tour to raise money for War Bonds.  But as he focuses more on hotel bars than his public appearances, Louie is ordered to take R&R on the beaches of Miami.  There, he meets Cynthia, a young woman who captures his eye and his heart.  After a whirlwind courtship, the couple weds and moves to Los Angeles.

While pursuing every avenue of hope he can find from trying to reestablish himself as a world-class runner to get-rich-quick investment opportunities - Louie's wrathful quest for revenge drives him deeper into despair and the bottle.  Hopeless and on the brink of divorce, Cynthia experiences Billy Graham's 1949 Lost Angeles Crusade where she finds faith in God and a renewed commitment to her marriage and her husband.  Now, her most fervent prayer is for God to help Louie find the peace and forgiveness he so desperately needs.  From the producer of Unbroken and the writer of A River Runs Through It, Unbroken: Path to Redemption stars Samuel Hunt (Louis), Merritt Patterson (Cynthia), David Sakurai (Watanabe, The Bird), and Will Graham as his grandfather, Billy Graham.  Unbroken: Path to Redemption brings to life the rest of Louis Zamperini's powerful real-life story of forgiveness, redemption, and amazing grace.

Check out the trailer below and be sure to enter the giveaway.

Ready for a giveaway?  One of you will win 2 Fandango ticket codes to see this movie!  Just enter below and good luck!  {Note:  Ticket codes will be good until October 14th or until Unbroken: Path to Redemption is no longer in theaters.}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure :  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.  Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller /FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.  Winner is subject to eligibility verification.  I received a prescreener for this movie in exchange for this review.  All opinions are my own.


  1. I'm really looking forward to it! I saw the first Unbroken movie and the story is just so amazing and inspirational.

  2. This looks like an inspiring movie!

  3. It looks like a good movie and I hope alot of people go see it.

  4. I saw the first movie Unbroken and loved it. I think this movie looks just as interesting as the first. I love true stories and inspirational movies. I believe this movie will cover both so I'm sure I will love it too.

  5. This movie looks very entertaining. I can't wait to see it. My wife is also very interested to see this movie. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  6. Looks like an amazing movie. Can't wait to see it!

  7. This looks like a very good movie. I will definitely go see it either way cause I like what it’s about, and I love movies like this.

  8. This movie looks very good. I can't wait to see it.

  9. I think the movie looks good. It looks like their will be emotional moments but perhaps a triumphant ending.
