Friday, September 7, 2018

First Week of School

First Day of CoOp

Well today was the first day back for our weekly coop.  I think the kids had a great time and really enjoyed seeing friends.  I'm excited about some of their classes!  A and B are taking Physical Science and Handicrafts together.  A has a volunteer hour with preschoolers and B is also taking a Literature class.  C and D are taking Marine Biology.  C is also taking Chess and Theater.  He was just cast in their upcoming play so that's exciting.  D is also taking a Creative Writing and Poetry class.  E is in PE, Writing with Friends and a History classes that looks at people and pets.  F is in Before Five in a Row and G is hanging with his friends in the nursery.  I'm teaching a Science Fair class this year.  I'm kind of working from the ground up so I'm excited to see what we do this upcoming year.

 A 1st Day of School 9th Grade
(We are working through Timberdoodle's 9th grade curriculum kit)

 B 1st Day of School 7th Grade
(B is participating in Classical Conversations Challenge A program)

This was actually her 1st day of community for Challenge A.

 C 1st Day of School 6th Grade

 D 1st Day of 4th Grade

 E 1st Day of 1st Grade

 F 1st Day of PreK

 G 1st Day of PreK

For C-E I am doing a hodge podge of homeschool curriculum.  F and G have quite a few fun things mixed in as well.  I will be sharing some of that with you throughout this school year so stay tuned.  Here's to an amazing year of learning!


  1. I think it's wonderful when people home school their children. I think kids learn more about "living" when they are home schooled. Most of the kids I see that are home schooled take on many adventures along with learning. Hope you all have a wonderful year.
