Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Whale of a Time Review

I want to share with you today a fun book of poems from Timberdoodle, A Whale of a Time.  A Whale of a Time is geared for kids 7-10 years old or 2nd-5th grade.

This hardback book is so fun!  It contains funny poems for each day of the year (366 in total).  I love how it encourages children to listen to poetry while also introducing them to a plethora of poetic styles and forms.  The boys have found the poems to be short and amusing.  The vibrant illustrations found on double-page spreads are fun and engaging and created with various mediums - pen, pain, crayons, digital, etc.
Poems from August
The boys were exposed to various poems during their school last year so it is fun to pick up on that this year with our new book.  We plan to continue reading a poem a day as part of our homeschool curriculum.  I love that you can just jump in on whatever day it is, no need to wait for January 1st.  Also, you can just read the poem or discuss more in depth as you see fit.
I like that our book has an organized layout with a monthly index, above you can see the index for August, which is what we have been working our way through so far.  If you are looking for a kid-friendly poetry book with delightful artwork we highly recommend A Whale of a Time!

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received A Whale of a Time in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Hidden Systems Review

I have an amazing hardcover book to share with you from Timberdoodle, Hidden SystemsHidden Systems is published by Random House Graphic with 272 pages and is written and illustrated by Dan Nott.  Hidden Systems is recommended for kids 12-18 or 6th grade and up.

One of my absolute favorite books when I was younger was The Way Things Work by David Macaulay.  Imagine my delight when I saw David's endorsement for Hidden Systems, so fun!

Contents of our Book

So, what's a hidden system?  A hidden system is one that powers our everyday life but is something we rarely think about unless it fails.  This book explores 3 main hidden systems: the internet, electricity and water.  Nott's comic illustrations are truly masterful at breaking down large systems into smaller pieces emphasizing how we think about concepts, how they work, the history behind them and even the imagined future possibilities.

If you have ever wondered what's electricity?  What is the internet exactly?  How is there enough water for everyone?  This book is for you!  And even if you haven't, I am fairly confident you will find this book fun, entertaining, and your will learn a bit along the way!

The graphic format of this book keeps it light and engaging.  I like that it encourages the reader to ponder both the past and future of technology.  We highly recommend this thought provoking read.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received Hidden Systems in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Happy 8th Birthday G


G turned 8 over the weekend!  We went on a family vacation to the beach to both celebrate him and get in one last hurrah as a family before A and B head off to college.

I love the cake the girls made him!  We took everything with us so he could still get a homemade cake.

He had a few fun presents as well!

Blowing out his candles!

Happy Birthday G, we love you so, so much!